Maybe even match the donation, or even half of it. I get that a penny here and there adds up really quickly to an enormous brand like McDonald’s, but seriously matching it even for pennies on the dollar would go far to prove that they’re not just trying to associate themselves with being charitable.
Would you like to buy the single use plastic water to provide safe drinking water to people? No. How about make a donation to starving kids? No. How about buying these socks to support shelter for some country? No. Are you a member? No. Would you like to be a member? No.
I’m not really offended by the asking for donations at the register thing, as long as those donations go 100% to the charity and it’s a good charity, then doing something to make it easy for people to contribute who wouldn’t otherwise take the time is ultimately a good thing.
The one that annoys me is where they match the donations. It feels like a method to guilt people into it by making their refusal to donate $1 into $2 not being donated.
I always refuse based on principle. You’re really going to guilt me in public into giving a few cents even though you’re a corporation who could easily afford millions or billions? Fuck you.
Care-washing: the greenwashing-adjacent pretending to give a shit about anything other than sloppy blowjobs for your board, top executives, and large shareholders.
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