
hakunawazo, (edited ) He didn’t dare talk to Razek about an average of one hand. Otherwise the medics would have been very busy.
TheRealKuni, If we’re including all humans, the mean is likely below 1, the median is possibly 1 and possibly 0, and the mode is probably 0.
If we’re limiting to the male sex, then the mode and median are probably 2, and the mean somewhere between 1 and 2.
W3dd1e, For every snake on Earth, there is one snake dick. Half of all snakes are female.
greencactus, I am doing my part!
red_pigeon, 68% of statistical facts are incorrect, including this one
problematicPanther, ![]()
They say 3 percent of the people use 5 to 6 percent of their brain, 97 percent use 3 percent and the rest goes down the drain
Agent641, (edited ) 4 out of 5 participants enjoy gang rape
grue, Of the ~100 billion humans who have ever lived, ~8 billion of them are still alive. Therefore, your chance of dying is only 92%, not 100%.
Funkytom467, (edited ) ![]()
Yeah but no one of them survived the 116th 122th year.
Jimmycrackcrack, These things are always subject to challenge but as I understand the oldest ‘verified’ person to have ever lived was 122 when they died.
DanglingFury, I’m going full Bilbo Baggins is i make it to 111 years old
Funkytom467, ![]()
Ho yes you’re right, just checked and that was Jeanne Calment.
hydrospanner, 122nd*
diffcalculus, Not if Mike Tyson says it
Octopus1348, ![]()
Big (soft) brain moment
itslilith, ![]()
Who knows, at some point we might figure out how to stop/reverse aging, so your chance of dying (in the foreseeable future) is not 100%, only very close to it
surewhynotlem, The average person has fewer than two legs.
rotopenguin, ![]()
Some women have four legs. It’s a temporary condition, but I gander that it’s common enough to offset the amputees.
Kecessa, (edited ) I saw your dad last night and he also temporarily had four legs so I guess he helped offset the amputeess too
platypus_plumba, What happens if I put my foot up your ass? Whose foot is it in this equation?
rotopenguin, ![]()
Who is providing oxygen and nutrients to your foot?
tslnox, Red Foreman’s, obviously.
thurstylark, Calm down, Red Foreman.
tslnox, Looks like your ass is next in line.
Brickhead92, Depends, do you have control of it once it’s in? If not, then it’s probably still the other person’s, they’re just using you as a shoe.
platypus_plumba, I’ve been told he’s tight, so my foot will probably get numb due to the contractions.
qaz, Doesn’t matter, the total amount stays the same
Deello, So in other words I’m above average
Norgur, The number of skeletons inside of a human body is statistically greater than 1.
XenoWarden, I don’t get this one…?
Dhs92, Bebe
mexicancartel, Skeletons, not bones
MacNCheezus, ![]()
Track_Shovel, ![]()
Fuck, that’s a good one
ericbomb, I like skull more, but both are great.
knorke3, actually, you’re forgetting about amputees and people born with fewer limbs. it’s likely less than 1.
dgmib, And you’re forgetting that about 1% of the population is pregnant at any given time and has another whole human inside of them.
knorke3, honestly curious about how those two would end up statistically balancing out.
aBundleOfFerrets, There are not very many amputees compared to pregnant woman, and babies have a lot more bones that are in your typical limb
Norgur, Skeleton, not bones. Amputees still have.a skeleton, don't they?
knorke3, the question is: is a skeleton that’s missing pieces still “one skeleton”? And if so, at which point does it become not a skeleton? Because i’m reasonably sure you wouldn’t call a severed foot a skeleton even though it is still arguably “one skeleton” that is just missing a lot of pieces.
Vengefu1Tuna, I lost my skele back in 'nam
Norgur, Dang commies!
AngryCommieKender, We didn’t make Agent Orange. That was Monsanto, and Dow.
Zatore, I’m partially responsible for this stat
can, Aren’t we all?
Zatore, Ya, but I’m also why the number is less than two
ArmoredThirteen, In a few months I’ll be doing my part to lower the average
Kase, o7
AVincentInSpace, best of luck with your lopemoffomy
ArmoredThirteen, Somehow never heard that term before but I’m here for it
ApathyTree, (edited ) ![]()
By being female or through loss?
Cuz I mean roughly half the population of the US has zero by default and they are included in this statistic. So for them you may also be part of why the number is greater than zero.
notoftenthat, Unfortunate encounter with a Laplander.
nickhammes, Or through parenting, perhaps?
If you personally have two, but have two kids with zero, you’re responsible for lowering the average to one, or lower depending on how we account for your partner’s contribution
Pistcow, Unless there’s a lot of dudes with 3 it really is less than 1 on average.
Track_Shovel, ![]()
Shut up before we start talking about p values…
qupada, p is stored in the balls...
Pistcow, Did you just assume my p-values!?
Track_Shovel, ![]()
No, but I know what you LSmean
Scubus, Damn girl, your bell curves are statistically significant
InputZero, Let’s all calm down, and have some Chi at the square.
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