I have never successfully run any piped video on any platform. Literally every pipedbot post has been worthless, at best, and usually actively frustrating as I’d actually use an alternative youtube frontend.
Yeah, if you’ll advertise a service like that, it should work already. Otherwise, odds are I (and other people too, probably) will click it two or three times, then give up. If I see future links, I’ll remember that it didn’t work, be biased to not even try anymore, and potentially never notice if it actually did improve and start working.
It’s a common FOSS / Privacy-respecting-service issue, where someone will create something out of ideology, but the result will have poor usability, and unless you’re really really invested into the ideology yourself, you’ll probably stop using it because your free time is too precious to spend on getting frustrated over stuff that works poorly.
I feel the FOSS / Privacy Alternatives community needs to learn the lesson many bic companies have learned already or are learning now, that the quality of the User Experience is important in retaining people. Ideology can get them to try, but functionality and ease of use will keep them from running back to Google et al.
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