CSGO is still in CS2’s beta channel on Steam as csgo_demo_viewer or something like that, but obviously limited to community servers/offline play, no official dedicated servers.
To keep thousands of now irrelevant reviews, allow themselves to remonetize content and jumpstart a player base that now has no other choice but to switch.
Why do I feel like giving this a month will make all of this irrelevant?
but this is a crime against God, humanity, gaming and anime!!!
I get it, your favorite game doesn’t work because of a new release. It happens. Take a ticket and sit down for a while. Valve isn’t omniscient about every Linux build in existence or possible glitch on the first week of release.
Hell, TF2 has been broken on arch for almost a month without bypassing a .dll file.
I remember when games launched and generally could be expected to run, because easy patching wasn't a thing yet. They had to make sure that the games worked.
I don't like that this has moved to "well, it's just the first day, week, month, give them time to fix the game." No! When the game releases and people pay money for it, it should work!
We are talking about Counter Strike 2, a complete rewrite of the game’s code for a new game engine. EVERYTHING has fundamentally changed over the last year.
… in cs2 the smoke is physics based particles that can be moved with bullets or grenades. That tech alone is very complex and the calculations need more modern hardware. Not to mention the dynamic shadows and graphics overhaul.
That’s simply moving the goal posts. “There hasn’t been a change for over 2 decades” - “here is a bunch of changes they actually did” - “NO ONE ASKED FOR THEM!” like what kind of argument is that?
Also if you bought CSGO and are expecting to play it, it’s long been gone. It went free to play, even before that they had pretty big gameplay changes like being able to bring in different weapons. Updates to the game have been made. Negev is now a bullet laser! There is a revolver! The M4A1-s exists!
I never complained about a lack of changes for two decades. CS:GO worked perfectly well for me as-is. And because I’m a mac user, I’ve now lost matchmaking in a game i did pay for.
Yeah, the Mac issue is a concern. Surprisingly, Valve dropped that without warning. CS2 being a free upgrade to CSGO was touted for a while. It’s almost impossible to miss if you play CSGO. The issue is that you bought into a game knowing it was a GAAS game and you expected it to never change for the worse. If you played CSGO for any length of time you’ll remember weekends of one-shot kill revolvers and 2 hit-kill deagles. So clearly, it’s not out of scope for Valve to push an update to break things. Maybe you’ll get a Mac version back, or maybe they’ll put back the matchmaking servers. Maybe you’ll find that GAAS games are terrible for the gaming ecosystem and will abandon them. Lots of solutions here, only one path you control.
Overall CS2 is getting good-ish reviews. So it’s unlikely you’ll get CSGO fully back.
it wouldn’t be an issue if you could still play CSGO in the meantime. They removed a game that was working for some, and put in one that isn’t working in its place lol
anybody that is in here complaining they can’t play this game on Linux should seriously evaluate their life choices, instead of whining maybe you should just install Windows
I guess wanting to play a game that’s replacing a game that runs well on Linux and is made by the company that has done the most to improve Linux gaming while using an OS that doesn’t spy on you and treat you like a toddler is a poor life choice according to you?
Maybe some of us have things we care about more than just maximum game compatibility. The horror.
It started with lagging. While loading the game. Classic lagging as in the dark filter fading out flimmering. Then CS2 kept rapidly switching between Fullscreen and Windowed, on sway. Then it randomly froze. My whole system. No luck with even switching to another TTY. So I force rebooted after 10 mins. Started into clearing orphaned inodes, then staying on that message. Force rebooted again. Still stuck at “Arch_Linux_boot: clean, x/x files, x/x blocks”.
CS2 basically just broke my PC.
I will never touch it again. I predicted it was going to be trash, not gameplay wise but programmatically.
It’s a shame that Valve couldn’t get Steam to issue them a new AppID, so they had to delete CSGO in order to put CS2 on the store. It was the only way.
Players are hurt from having it split. Way more so than Valve. In fact, I fail to see why Valve would be gaining anything, they aren’t selling the missing parts.
When a game updates, do you keep matchmaking servers up for every old edition of the game? Place people in a different queue for every hotfix version they are on? When the game is updated often over a lifespan of 12 years? Then no one would be in any matchmaking, let alone enough people of your skill level.
If they marketed this as “CSGO: Source 2 engine update” people wouldn’t be whining, so I don’t understand why people go out of their way to make a big deal about this. We knew not all the content would be available at release when they completely rewrote and modernized the game’s code.
And no anti-consumer business practices involved. You CAN play csgo still, if you want to. Sure, it’s inconvenient to download an old version of the game to run, but it is also inconvenient to download an old version of any game to run in every case. Anyone saying CSGO is unplayable and “that’s unfair because I paid for it” is maliciously spreading misinformation.
I didn’t realize that they replaced cs:go with cs2 until I was home and noticed an update to install cs2… if it was an independent launch, that would not happen.
The only CS game I’ve played somewhat recently is cs:go, so I put two and two together (ha, pun), and groaned.
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