theneverfox, Wouldn’t a stuffed crust be sushi? It’s a tube, it just connects until you slice the pizza
Thcdenton, Well this tracks since a dick is just a modified clit
Tier1BuildABear, 1: this dude doesn’t know how calzones are made 2: calzones are sushi
agitatedpotato, Oops my sushi fell on its side and turned into quiche.
dpkonofa, No it didn’t. Quiche is open on one end. Sushi is open on 2.
samus12345, A corn dog is a calzone.
navigatron, Are you telling me that pop tarts are not in fact ravioli?
Darkassassin07, Soup, chili, cereal; it’s all just salad.
EmperorHenry, you can put slices of ham inside of a hotdog bun, a sub-sandwich is kind of like a hot dog
Arfman, Then a calzone is just a big taco
OmnipotentEntity, Correction, it is two tacos. One flipped upside down and rotated 90 degrees and placed on top of the other.
Arfman, Huh the calzone we made at the pizza shopped I worked at was just a pizza that’s folded
pinkdrunkenelephants, Imagine people thinking food cam be categorized consistently like that.
Food is cultural and historical; nothing outside of its preparation is scientific or internally logically consistent, so stop trying to force it to be.
A hot dog is a damn hot dog. Now stop arguing about it, and get this crap off of my feed
xor, Sir this is a meme
getoffthedrugsdude, I will continue to shiptoast, have a day
GreyEyedGhost, The usernames add a whole new layer to this thread. “Pink drunken elephant” having a serious and sober look at the conversation and how stupid it is, and “get off the drugs dude” happily continuing this bizarre and pointless conversation.
getoffthedrugsdude, Adding fuel to the fire I see
altima_neo, So a Wellington is a sushi or calzone?
Mok98, A calzone, the ends aren’t open. A wellington is usually shown cut but that doesn’t change its identification
Manifish_Destiny, A chilli relleno is a quiche
Mothra, So… Pie and empanadas are calzone?
Glide, Sushi is just made with sushi rice. It has literally nothing to do with the shape of the food.
captain_aggravated, This implies that a steak is a salad.
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