Spices too

menemen, ![]()
You include shallots, but not spring onions? I feel offended.
Vespair, S TIER: Shallot, Garlic
A TIER: Leek
F TIER: All of the others
CaptnNMorgan, Yellow onions are good
menemen, ![]()
Also red, also spring.
CaptnNMorgan, I like onions in general but it’s harder to argue against a yellow onion than a white one
FlyingSquid, ![]()
My mother does not like onions.
I am glad I did not inherit that horrific genetic abnormality.
Iron_Lynx, My gf does not like the texture of onions.
The taste is fine with her, so I think I’m gonna have to get used to cooking for her with minced onions…
FlyingSquid, ![]()
My mom was (and is) a terrible cook in many other ways, but the ‘I’m not making you anything with onions in it’ as a kid kind of sucked.
I’m just glad my grandmother was a good cook.
Iron_Lynx, I feel bad for my brother right now, since his gf cannot have onions and garlic due to a food intolerance. At least spring onions are still tolerable, but still…
cheesymoonshadow, ![]()
Garlic and onions are the basis for so many things that we cook at my house. I can’t imagine not having them in my diet.
Phegan, I don’t like onions. It’s literally the one food I do not like. I’ve tried them many times, many ways, and still nope.
Rubanski, Raw and cooked? Maybe try it minced, cooked extremely soft and mixed into a sauce so there are no visible pieces?
Phegan, I will use it to cook in soups and such, but otherwise, no thank you. I’ve replaced it with leeks and shallots.
Rubanski, Shallots and leeks are nice! Welcome to the Allium family:)
MadBob, What’s this “almost”, please?
Sekki, I would certainly not enjoy garlic in my chocolate cake
MadBob, (edited ) Without going too Wittgenstein on you, I read it a bit differently, and I would enjoy onion jam on my chocolate cake.
dutchkimble, But that garlic when it’s onion cake though
Kase, Cake has layers. Onion has layers.
∵ Cake is onion.
SilverFlame, Always has been
Raxiel, Their foil is pretty good at keeping stuff fresh too (as well as making good anti-mind-control hats)
Mananasi, I am very sad I can’t eat these anymore due to IBS
Stegotron, I was this way for years. I eventually recovered a lot and slowly weened back onto them. Good luck and take care.
Mananasi, Thank you for the kind words! I didn’t know I could maybe have these again at some point in the future. Did you just try them every now and again to see how you reacted? Do you still need to watch out?
Defectus, Same for me when i had ibd (still do but in remission). But after bettering my gut microbiome I could eat everything again.
Tristaniopsis, There used to be an garlic restaurant near my old house and basically EVERYTHING was garlic based. It was heaven.
Guess what. They had garlic ice cream and it was DELICIOUS. Nothing like I thought it would be. It was light and sort of fruity and sweet.
Goddamit I miss that place.
Dabundis, I’d guess the garlic was deeply roasted until brown and sweet for the ice cream?
Tristaniopsis, You are probably correct. Slowly… veeeeerrrry slowly.
angrystego, Why 3 onions though? Why no chives?
simin, health benefits too
AgentGrimstone, When I first started to cook for myself, I ignored using onions and garlic because I didn’t think they would make that big a difference 🤡
LemmyKnowsBest, I always thought onions and garlic made breath bad so I don’t put them on anything and I don’t give them to anyone.
Haha, Even my tears taste better with them!!
Zerush, (edited ) ![]()
Allium family also make the world nicer, even those for the kitchen have nice flowers if planted.
https://file.coffee/u/Z8zzuUD0hbhyv-QLnNLG-.jpg https://file.coffee/u/eeH-q1EvdT2kv8Ha8BpZa.webp
Xttweaponttx, Wow!! Do they grow that spherical or are those groomed??
Either way, beautiful!!
Zerush, ![]()
They grow mostly spherical, but depending of the species of ornamental allium. Also a normal onion has a beautifull flower if you plant it.
Aermis, And the flowers taste delicious!
rehydrate5503, Holy, that’s so pretty! Would love to have some in my garden.
Zerush, (edited ) ![]()
There are several webs of ornamental allium which show how to plant and care for them, the different species, etc.
Kedly, OOOOOOHHH ALLIUM NOT “ALLISM”… I was so confused what this had to do with nuerotypical and nuerodivergent people
calculuschild, All yums.
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