
Aha i’m going to have fun reading the comments. Liberals let their fascism show whenever geopolitics get involved.

Sanctus, avatar

Slava Ukraine.

Rise up Palestine.

Burn the oppressors of the world and light our way to a better future.


Russian propo like typing detected


Idk if this is a hot take, but imo the war in Ukraine is pretty clear city while the Palestinian and Israeli conflict his an infinite list of wrinkles and nuances.

It’s far less controversial to say the former is Russia’s fault than it is to say the latter is either Palestine’s or Israel’s fault.


Yeah mostly because isreal/ Palestine conflict is much older then russia/Ukraine so a lot of things happened. But at it’s very core they both started because of the same claim : russia claimed used to own Ukraine so they want it back. The jews used to own Palestine so they want it back. So if you support Ukraine and isreal you’re just a hypocrite


I mean, if you go further back than 1947/1948, didn’t the Palestinians used to own Israel? Or do we want to go even further back, to about 1200 BCE?


I haven’t seen anyone here “support Israel”. Almost everyone agrees that the Israeli State is not free of guilt, far from it.

What people really disagree over is whether that alone makes Palestine right (nuanced) and whether it justifies Hamas’ actions (unhinged but unfortunately semi-common take on here).


Palestinian conflict is very simple: an army vs civilians. Only gonna end when all the latter are dead.

Should we ever try to sanction that army? Never! Should we try sanctioning US for killing million iraqis who had not a WMD? No! Should we sanction Nato for bombing the wealthiest african estate libya to it’s ruin? Ah wait, WE are Nato. Can’t shoot own ankle.


Seems like both armies versus civilians.

There’s not many other conflicts where I can remark “two war crimes don’t make a right” damn near every time.


Hamas is a militia. They don’t have an airforce and whatever else is required to be a military.

I’d urge you to compare the casualties caused by each of the “armies”. Hamas is not even a fraction of the concern that Israel is.


It’s so much better that it’s a militia shooting at civilians instead of military


Please do not put words in my mouth that I did not say, I will not entertain that. I am happy to respond to any arguments you make or answer any questions otherwise.


I’m just saying it’s a pretty pointless difference in this case, silly

absentthereaper, avatar

What nuance is there be had about this? Israel is a settler-colonial apartheid state that deserves what should’ve happened to America when those settlers were doing it. That’s like saying “the civil rights conflict has an infinite list of wrinkles and nuances”; in that it’s objectively wrong.

MasterNerd, avatar

I’m surprised more hexbears haven’t jumped on this

WhyEssEff, avatar

Warning: Some super-unique hot takes from edgelords here!

Proceed with caution…


You ruined the surprise!!!


I’m so proud of my government for acting consistently. They support Russia and Israel.

(I get why they’re doing it, but it still feels wrong.)


Let me guess… India?


Of course. Russia I expected, but I didn’t know our government wanted Pegasus so badly.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

BJP hates democracy (they literally always say “too much democracy”) and socialist activists. BJP aligns with Russia only because Hindutva rightwingers are bigots that align with anti-LGBT culture among socially right leaning Russians, and because BJP leverages the age old relations we have had with Russia for ever, that Congress laid the foundations for.


I don’t think ideology has anything to do with the decision to keep quiet on Ukraine. India needs Russian fertiliser and oil, and does not want global wheat shortages that could raise the domestic price of food. So I don’t think the decision would have been different if the UPA was in power.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

The reason is different for BJP and Congress. Congress never needed to do anything else, India has had considerable global soft power and peaceful social atmosphere under them.

Currently, BJP knows it has a very specific voter base (upper caste Kshatriyas/Brahmins/Baniyas ≈ 40%) within which people are starting to stop supporting Modi, because favours for Adani and big oligarchs. Modi wants to seize this moment to hang onto the balls of Xi and Putin, to become part of the new “vishwaguru” (world leader) polar hegemony, and become immortal in historical books for somehow uplifting India, even though India has become a trashy disturbed country since BJP came into power. This is the reason almost nobody knows or talks about. BJP knows the way it has thrown all of its critics and journalists in jail (and bought out all of TV news outlets) undemocratically, if they are elected out of power, all of them will find themselves jailed and possibly even hanged within months.

India’s needs for food and other goods is just an outcome of a great long term mutual relation with Russia, resulting in bilateral normalcy.


Ppl who have no idea how palestinian conflict started half a century ago commenting like ‘completely different cases!’

Same ppl fifty years later and war continues in Ukraine: ‘ok, now I get it’


It all started with this fuckin’ Serbian dude getting a sandwich…


I’m not SLAVAing anyone who are misogynistic homophobic shooting-missile-barrage-at-civilians religion nuts


Ironically, it’s not obvious wether that means you’re pro-israel or palestine.

wabafee, (edited )

Both suck to be fair but Israel for me suck less. My reasoning mostly stem on their Ideology. Israel leans more to the US. Israel though recently leaning more to the extreme right, is still liberal compared to the rest of the nations in middle east. Woman has more freedom under Israel it seems. LGBT is more supported in Israel. For Hamas on the other hand has the same vibe for me with Taliban it doesn’t help that it is supported by Iran and Russia. As for Ukraine I support them since they lean more to the West (EU and the US) and they are more democratic than Russia. That’s my thought anyway.

jackmarxist, avatar

So you support Israel committing genocide in Palestine because they lean west. Way to go lil bro

yogthos, avatar

No surprise, given that genocide is the foundation of the western civilization.

absentthereaper, avatar

Is there a single western civilization that wasn’t built in the flesh, bones, blood, and bile of the colonized tho? Like, one.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar


I am still trying to find it, though. Error 404 keeps turning, help 😭

Count042, (edited )

Ireland, though they are extremely supportive of Palestine.

They understand what it takes to get a boot off of your neck.


Weeeeeeell…I like the Irish and I think they’ve been awesome all around (the IRA and their support for Palestine), but even by their mythology they apparently did colonize their lands ages ago; something about defeating the Tuatha De Danann who themselves defeated the Fir Bolg and the Fomorians. The De Danann, Fir Bolg and Fomorians are depicted as inhuman beings but I personally think these were peoples who lived in extremely ancient Ireland who were defeated by the ancestors of modern day Irish people, but then, this would have been quite a few thousand years ago anyway and holding it against them would be silly (basically it was so long ago that it’s not even concrete whether this myth has any basis in reality and certainly no trace of those peoples, their culture and their civilizations still exist; also even if you decide to believe the myth has some basis in reality behind it, Irish culture has not been a culture of colonizers for the last several thousand years).

Vncredleader, avatar

That’s not really a culture of colonizers even during the height of Ancient Erin. A possible analog for a past group that very well could be a stand-in for inter proto-Irish conflicts as much as inter Gaelic ones is so tenuous at best. Most cultures have something like this, and it would be tantamount to saying there was an inherent colonial culture in the Ho-Chunk people because the Wąge-rucge man-eaters might be a cultural memory of another tribe their ancestors fought against.

There is a world of difference between human migration and conflicts arising therein and what we would identify as colonialism. Why even bring it up as such? Plus the Tuatha De Danann from even a quick search seem to be theorized to be Gaelic gods recontextualized into a post-Christianization culture. So it is literally not even from a culture of colonizers, but the reformatting of their own beliefs to a context of a cultural conversion. They seem to have come to mean “folk” or people much later and originally the term implied godliness. And then there is the PIE stuff and war between gods with humans in the middle which is foundational to a ton of places meaning it could either be remnants of a way more ancient myth shared with the Vedic and Norse etc, or a recontextualization of unique traditions subconsciously along the same lines as more eastern Europeans and Indo-European cultures. Least that’s how I view the Iliad elements in Irish myth, maybe a shared tradition or more likely later writers put characters and stories into a structure they already knew, ie the most recited myth in Europe.

We really need to be careful with history and modern terminology/conceptions. Cultures did not really remove one another necessarily, nor can we accurately talk about Bronze-Age and earlier cultures in strictly defined terms. We use names given to types of pottery we find to describe a general human presence in a large area across thousands of years. It is broad and ambiguous on purpose. Hell even more recent cases like the Germanic “colonization” of Celtic England is WAY more ambiguous than previous historians thought.

For that history and a good object lesson on how complicated human migration is to decode there is a great video by CambrianChronicles on Brythonic Britons and how they never disappeared

And that’s not to say that there was not a colonization and resistance in that case, far from it. There we have a material understanding of both cultures that can be defined even if the lines between the people of them is nonexistent in a practical sense. CambrianChronicles has several videos including one I LOVE on Arthur that drive home how originally Welsh/Briton Arthur was essentially a propaganda character for anti-imperialist movements. My point is the distinctions quickly disappear and framing there as being such a thing as “culture of colonizers” in a time when people hardly if at all identified themselves as having a culture is silly, applying it as far back as the etymological history and patchwork shifts in linguistic groups of the Bronze age is downright ahistoric. Especially with Celts, the very definition of which is hotly debated.

Another good POV is the short but wonderful history of the Bronze Age Collapse “1177: the year civilization ended” which shows some amazing research on how crises cause mass migration and why old models of how ancient Greeks came to Greece are pretty off base, with what was thought to be an invasion from the west by the Dorians might’ve been large refugee movements from Asia Minor which coincided with populations from Mycenean Greece fleeing eastward due to their problems. Heck the Sea Peoples are very possibly a phenomenon of various refugee crises and/or desperate moves by kingdoms we know for sure about trying to stay alive during what must’ve felt like an apocalypse.

ComradeChairmanKGB, avatar

That’s because Ireland is a colonial victim, not a colonizer.


Emotional responses don’t lead to any solutions. Only reason will create a peaceful two state solution.

jackmarxist, avatar

The Victims should never bargain with the invaders. Slava Ukraini Slava Palestini.


Curious, Tell me why should I support the Hamas instead?

jackmarxist, avatar

You should not. But you should see the conditions under which Hamas has formed and how the Occupiers are at fault for this. The greater Palestinian cause is far more in the moral right than Israel has ever been.


Thanks appreciate the answer.


“I support the fascistsdoing a genocide because they’re aligned with us and do our bidding” is the kind of honesty we’re looking for from liberals on foreign policy.

Genuinely, thank you for your honesty. Can you please tell the rest of the libs to communicate like this and we wouldn’t be as mean to them.


To be fair that is what both sides are doing China, Russia, US, EU, India and Iran. They all support those who do their bidding. Though I have a feeling everything is fascist on your dictionary that does not align with your view.


Counterpoint: aligning with the west/the US is bad.


And why is that?

ComradeChairmanKGB, avatar

All the genocide perhaps?

wabafee, (edited )

My reason is simple why I would align under the US, my country has mutual defense on them. The neighbouring country who is China claims major part of my country. The US offers free speech, they are willing to change no matter how slow. They may be messy but atleast they don’t prosecute their citizens for talking bad to their government. There is Women and LGBTQ rights. They got the big stick. What is your alternative?

ComradeChairmanKGB, avatar

My reasoning mostly stem on their Ideology. Israel leans more to the US.

Mask off lmao


Biden is 100% gonna support “Israel’s right to defend itself”, while they’ve been awfully quiet when Palestani people are getting murdered and their infrastructure decimated 🫣🤫

Fucking fascists


Dude have you seen what Hamas did yesterday? Kidnapping children, women, elders. Even burnt houses to get families out of their homes to kidnap them. No matter how sympathetic you are towards palestinians, no one with a right conscious can support them.

jackmarxist, avatar

Israel has been doing this shit for decades. It’s just blowback of unending oppression by Israel. People in Palestine can either wait and get genocided or fight back.


Oh, so Israel has kidnapped German tourists in Gaza, raped them, murdered them, paraded their naked corpses through Tel Aviv, and spat on them?


Uh, almost certainly they have done that or something akin to it, I wouldn’t defend either side, they’ve both done countless atrocities to one another and people from outside.

yogthos, avatar

No, they just do this to Palestinian civilians, but since they don’t have blue eyes and blond hair racists such as yourself don’t consider them to be people.


Lol yup Israel has been taking down buildings for years taking people’s life, history and financial gain and turn it to rubble because someone in the building may have helped hamas. No trial, no questioning, just a small bomb going off on your roof too warn you to run the fuck away before you die in a collapsed building.


But Ukraine hasn’t done any of this type of stuff so the equivalence falls apart.

For the record: israel bad.

comrade_coyotl, avatar

I mean they bombed the shit out of the Donbass for almost a decade before the war broke out, so yeah they were doing it too.


I’m confused… Are the only choices hamas or Israel? Is that how people really see things?

I fucking hate this world sometimes.


Palestine needs a state and so does Israel


Broke: Two-state solution

Woke: One-state solution

Bespoke: Zero-state solution


IMO everyone should leave everyone else the fuck alone and stop trying to be modern empires, but come on man, these are VERY different situations.

TheBeege, (edited )

(Edit: what I’m about to say is a good bit wrong, but I’m not going to try and hide my mistakes. This article has a more complete history:…/why-israel-and-palestine-conf…)

I don’t support the violence at all, but this isn’t a (direct) result of imperialism.

After WW2, the Allies were like, “what do we do with all these Jews? We don’t want them in our countries.” Then they thought, “why not Jerusalem?” But a bunch of Arabs were living there, but the Allies really didn’t want more Jews, so they just dumped them all in modern Israel, told the Arabs this is Jews’ land now, and recognized Israel as a state. Palestine has a right to be pissed. So this isn’t so much an imperialism problem as much as a racism problem.

But still, Hamas are evil fuckers that take shit too far. Israel definitely is not the good guy and is not helping the situation at all, but this kind of escalation just makes shit worse for everyone.

loutr, avatar

“why not Jerusalem?”

That wasn’t the allies, zionism predates the holocaust by decades, it’s the literal promised land from their stupid fucking religion.


You can’t compare these 2 conflicts at all.

Everythingispenguins, (edited )

Why? Because the west supports the occupied in one and the occupier in the other? Don’t forget the west expected Ukraine to be an occupied state with a gorilla insurgency within a few weeks at the start of the conflict.

Edit: because I am getting the expected hate. The Palestinians didn’t start out as Hamas. The extremism of Hamas was born out of the lack of action from former moderates. People will always become more extreme when they are met with a lack of action. That goes for the left and the right.

So ask yourself if someone came to your house and told you to leave how angry would you be? If you don’t understand this look up the actions of the Israeli settlements.


Because Ukraine is not committing brutal crimes, not lobbing rockets randomly, hoping to kill anyone, civilian or not. Not hoping to eradicate their enemy (that is the stated goal of Hamas). Ukraine government is not in power because of violence, but because they were voted in. Hamas is in power only because they have weapons and other palestinians don’t (given to them by other extremist Muslims, who want to see Jews die).

So let me say it again, this conflict is not fucking comparable.


But Israel will do exactly that. If you want to condemn the killing of innocent people. You need to do it to both sides.…/UNHRC-IDF-may-have-committed-war-crim……/gaza-israel-children.html…/west-bank-spike-israeli-killings-palest…


I am not pro Israel. You are just assuming that for no fuckig reason.

Israel is committing what could be easily called genocide in Gaza. Moving settlers in, pushing palestinians away from their homes, killing their kids, their fathers. Doing who knows what else.

I am against Zionist Israel and against Hamas.

I am for a state for both Jews and Palestinians.

You can have that position.

Unlike the Ukranian conflict, both of the fighting sides are in the wrong. There should be no fighting to begin with. Only innocents suffer.

Album, avatar

Yup don’t let them gaslight you buddy. This is how they do it.


Well then just ask yourself is a meme about the conflicts themselves or about the west’s condemnation of one powers imperialism while supporting the imperialism of another?

BustinJiber, (edited )

The meme has total of four words. How are you arriving at any conclusion on what the meme is about? It’s not even proper spelling according to Google translate.


I know what you mean and I also find western support of Israel appalling, but the meme is literally about the lack of support to Hamas, which makes sense given how they also like to randomly kill civilians.


How does the meme have anything to do with Hamas?


Because timing probably


Did I make the meme? Am I the west or something? For all you know, I could not even be in the global west.

Not once have I supported the imperialism, I called what’s Israel is doing a genocide for crying out loud.

Get a fucking reality check buddy.


Why are you so angry? I am not or ever attacking you. I never said you made the meme or where you live. Sorry for presenting you with an opinion that differs from yours.


Not angry, simply annoyed. Mostly because you keep assuming shit, preaching stuff that’s incredibly well known, especially in leftist circles and conflating 2 completely separate conflicts together as if they have any similarities.

Unlike you, I did think about the meme, and it makes absolutely no sense in reality we live in.


I never assumed anything about you and I definitely didn’t swear at you.


objectively false

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