camelbeard, 1 year ago Trains are good for short distances, like going to work. When you compare trains to planes, why would you take a train for a long distance journey? It takes much longer to get there and it’s also more expensive.
Trains are good for short distances, like going to work.
When you compare trains to planes, why would you take a train for a long distance journey? It takes much longer to get there and it’s also more expensive.
DSTGU, 1 year ago Depends on what you call short distance and where you live When I travel a lot of the time train is (definetly) cheaper but also more convenient and faster (up to like 500km).
Depends on what you call short distance and where you live
When I travel a lot of the time train is (definetly) cheaper but also more convenient and faster (up to like 500km).
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