Jilanico, This has to be the most eat pray love meme I’ve ever seen. Hindus are vegetarian not vegan (disclaimer: they aren’t a monolith) and use a lot of ghee (milk product). That brown dude looks like a Sikh; they are typically not vegetarian or vegan.
UnverifiedAPK, Unless OP put it somewhere in the comments the word Hindu wasn’t used.
cyclohexane, I never did, lol
Jilanico, India is known for vegetarian cuisine due to Hinduism. Jains are a small minority.
Wage_slave, I don’t eat a lot of meat, but after hearing arguments like these from vegetarians and vegans, I gave up on not eating meat.
Too expensive to eat vegan and I got really fucking tired of being called fucking stupid for buying meat free alternatives. It’s not worth the effort in the end.
reverendsteveii, vegan food isn’t expensive. artificial meat replacements are expensive, because you’re paying someone to chemically torture plants until they vaguely remind you of animals. lentils, beans, and other awesome-tasting protein sources are dirt cheap. vegan-first dishes are great and really cheap.
Wage_slave, See, it’s arrogant, and stupid shit like this that makes me wanna go get a burger just to spite ya.
“Oh fucking no!! I am torturing plants and shit blah blah blah”
No fucking wonder.
door_in_the_face, I think that may have been a joke.
threeduck, It was a joke Mark. A Christmas joke.
dualmindblade, This is not arrogance it’s playful language for humorous effect. The real reason to not eat fake meat is that it usually doesn’t taste very good no matter how you prepare it, whereas traditional vegan food can be amazing
KaleDaddy, Ignoring the obvious joke you missed. If someone being a little rude is enough to make you completely give up on your ethical/moral stance, you need to grow a spine dude .
If a gay person is an ass to me i dont decide to become homophobic and blame it on them.
Wage_slave, I won’t go near the comparison to one’s sexual preference, to another voluntary dietary habits.
But, you’re not wrong. If this was something that was super important to me and life affecting, then you are completely right.
Now, as someone who is just trying to not eat meat for personal and whatever reasons, that’s not how you get people into your cause. I am not bound to it, and the perception of the community is something i get to have liberty with.
How about “well, it’s not an animal. not bad”. Not being me with my kid hearing that her favorite burger patty (the impossible one) is a waste of money and an embarrassment to the real vegans in the middle of the safeway by a random asshole stranger, who had the after thought to explain how tofu is better totally not noticing that his very life is in danger.
frevaljee, (edited ) Oh yes the voluntary dietary habit of taking a sentient being's life against its will because it's tasty and I can't be bothered to learn how to cook properly using plants.
BelieveRevolt, Nice internet tough guy shit at the end there smuglord
reverendsteveii, In fairness, it’s really easy to act like a badass in front of…am I reading that right, some hypothetical guy in Costco who told his daughter she’s not a real vegan?
Wage_slave, I didn’t act or anything. I just stood there much like here watching the entitled dietary moron go off.
But I was really annoyed so like the imaginary cool vegan, it was more contexts. But good notes. It was Safeway. No wonder yall are not taken seriously.
reverendsteveii, (edited ) Once again, because it’s come up so many times in this thread, not at all vegan, definitely omnivorous, just not someone who assumes their membership in the majority defines them as a victim unlike the coward Wage_slave@lemmy.ml
KaleDaddy, There’s nothing at all wrong with eating fake meats. i do all the time. Thats not the point i was making
BoxedFenders, lmao did you just fantasize about threatening a vegan while grocery shopping?
reverendsteveii, Lol I eat meat but knock yourself out there hero
theangryseal, As a man who fed a vegan child for 8 years…no. Vegan meals cost way more.
That one kid cost as much as two non vegan kids to feed.
Maybe it was because I was buying what she said to buy.
Fortunately when her mom tearfully said, “please be a vegetarian until you grow up and buy your own food.” she went with it.
It was a nightmare feeding her separate from the rest of us, but I respected her choices. I had to cook two meals every evening. That was rough.
Glad she’s grown and off at college. I miss her but I don’t miss all that extra work.
emptiestplace, You should’ve asked for help from the vegan community - it could’ve been really easy. :(
theangryseal, You’re right.
It wasn’t just the vegan thing though. My kid is autistic and absolutely wouldn’t eat anything other than what she put on her list. Like to the point we had to get her help.
I guess that’s something I shouldn’t have left out. It just wasn’t something that even crossed my mind as I made the comment.
reverendsteveii, It’s interesting that while you were making this up you couldn’t decide whether your kid was vegetarian or vegan. You’d think with cooking two separate meals every night you’d be familiar with the difference.
hiddengoat, It's absolutely trivial to cook meals vegan or vegetarian and simply add meat separately at the end, or not add it at all. What you're describing is just piss-poor meal planning and has nothing to do with the cost of vegetables.
Or you were just buying every prepackaged bit of vegan food in the store.
HawlSera, You dodged a bullet, the average vegan eventually goes back to me when their body starts crapping out on them to do lack of protein
Floey, Do you even know what protein is or where it comes from? Have you ever asked yourself where animals get their protein?
HawlSera, Animals eat other animals, that’s whalere the protein comes from
Floey, All the way down? You saying the bottom of the food chain is animals?
HawlSera, Yes, the first single cell life forms ate other single cell lifeforms, the world is cannibalistic.
hiddengoat, And yet somehow guys like this exist.
Also 30% of India.
Also you're full of shit and know nothing.
emergencyfood, 30% of Indians are vegetarians, not vegans.
hiddengoat, Which is utterly fucking irrelevant to the idiot-tier statement that somehow vegans/vegetarians don't get enough protein.
Only absolute morons who tie their entire identity to eating meat think that, usually losers that hang out in the comments sections of YouTube channels with names like "Carnivoracious" or "BeardMeat" or "Beardivore" or "MeatyBeardMan." "I eat meat, I have beard, this is my personality, I have nine pounds of undigested meat in my colon and I haven't shit in a week."
emergencyfood, Of course vegans can get enough protein from lentils, pulses etc. But it is easier for vegetarians because they can also consume dairy products.
hiddengoat, https://vegan.com/health/protein/
"Diet For a Small Planet, however, unfortunately helped create a persistent myth that vegetarians and vegans faced severe challenges when it comes to getting enough protein. Over the next few decades, multiple studies coupled with the lack of vegans dropping dead from acute protein deficiency extinguished that hysteria."
It takes like .2 seconds to verify if your sincerely held religious belief is utter nonsense or not.
Maybe that's why so few people bother learning.
marx2k, Yeah… that’s not a thing
HawlSera, (edited ) No it definitely is a thing, lot of exvegans who find themselves suddenly going very sick until they try meat again and it’s the most delicious cure they’ve ever had
marx2k, Sounds totally legit
apotheotic, Source: trust me bro
SeaJ, How many people called you stupid for buying meat free alternatives? I largely do not eat meat and I can count on one hand the number of times it has been mentioned in the past decade. It’s also only comparatively expensive because meat is so subsidized.
I mostly do not eat meat because it is fucking terrible for the environment.
Wage_slave, Middle of a Safeway once, in line at McDonald’s my ex was called a poser for ordering the veggie burger by someone in line at a fucking McDonald’s (dont care if youre just there for the fries), online community of course adds to it because, well yeah, here we are.
Entitled people have a way of announcing and decrying those below them. Like morons who think Android phones are for the poor.
Pogbom, Meat is pretty much the most expensive protein source. You can get tofu for like 1/5 the price of meat. The other guy summed it up well (although with some sarcasm) that eating vegan is only expensive when you try to replicate the meat. Just eat tofu and you’ll be healthier and richer :)
DarthFrodo, I got really fucking tired of being called fucking stupid for buying meat free alternatives.
Sorry that you met condescending assholes. Some people just have the urge to feel superior over others for absolutely silly reasons. The rise of meat alternatives is one of the few things that make me optimistic for the future, along with renewable energy, electric cars and heat pumps. Factory farms are so much worse for the environment and animals, of course we should embrace alternatives to the worst option.
Prices also go down with more competition. There basically wasn’t any market for meat alternatives 10 years ago, now it’s growing quite fast. In 5 years, many of them will likely be cheaper than meat.
velox_vulnus, (edited ) deleted_by_author
SnipingNinja, Aren’t almonds also bad for the environment? Not the person you’re replying to, just curious if almond dahi or paneer substitute are worth the expense
kamenlady, Don’t worry. I’ve heard researchers came up with a new food resource. It’s supposed to be super healthy and low cost.
Stay tuned for Soylent Green™
ArmokGoB, India has some bomb-ass food.
SnipingNinja, And some people get bomb-ass because of that food /jk
lost, But why choose when you can have both?
cyclohexane, Good point!
Fades, What a brain dead post, which makes sense given the unfunny and lame as fuck “I’ve depicted the group I don’t like as soyjack” bs
Sargteapot, Ok
atyaz, What a weird post to get upset and offended over
BelieveRevolt, No animals were harmed except for the ones Impossible tested on.
im-vegan btw.
toxicbubble420, also people think vegan food is unhealthy but will eat carcasses raised in their own shit
Umbrias, I mean unless someone thinks lettuce or beans are unhealthy because they grow in dirt, this train of thought just makes no sense.
Vegoon, the wording was a bit of, it should spell “carcasses raised with their own shit”
Umbrias, Yeah I’m not disagreeing about the conditions.
raven, When people complain about vegan diets lacking in x, y, or z I always point out that our diets are culturally balanced, as well as being balanced by the addition of vitamins to staple foods. If we all became deficient in say, iron, we would start fortifying iron in our water, flour, salt, rice etc, while at the same time we would culturally move towards eating more black beans and spinach than we currently do. When an individual removes a food group from their diet, it’s only reasonable that you will have to intentionally rebalance your diet in other places. This isn’t a deficiency inherent in a vegan diet.
If you have to supplement a vitamin or mineral that’s just part of your diet, so don’t @ me with your natural=good nonsense.
Maoo, The only thing vegans need to supplement with is B12. Everything else can be had from a balanced diet.
raven, Once you discover nutritional yeast it’s hard not to get enough B12.
roux, Don’t forget Monster energy drinks! /s sort of. I take a supplement though lol
Emma_Gold_Man, Depends. Not all nutritional yeast is B12 fortified
raven, Thanks for the warning, didn’t know that was a thing!
TheCaconym, Nooch does not contain B12. It is sometimes added to it, perhaps even often in the US ? but in the EU for example I’ve never ever seen B12-fortified nooch.
raven, Oh really? I didn’t know they made it without. I just checked mine and it says it has >100% of all the b complex vitamins in a serving (2 tbsp). I do live in the US but I got mine online.
OurTragicUniverse, Engevita Nutritional Yeast has B12 right on the front of the packaging. It's the most common brand in the UK. We're not in the EU anymore sadly but it's been the most common brand (only brand really) here for well over a decade now.
TheAnonymouseJoker, Also Vitamin D. You are not doing shit with merely getting sunlight, without having some D2 or D3 in body to breakdown and fuel. That comes from dairy for us Indians.
doctorcrimson, Ah man, if I see one more west coast white lady in a YT short explaining their 5min superfood meal prep when we all know there is 0% chance she swallows a single bite of food with that much exotic pepper and ginger…
I’m gonna fry rice and quinoa in Pineapple pulp out of SPITE.
Elgenzay, america bad
ThatFembyWho, Welcome to the culture wars. How am I supposed to demonstrate my sigmoid male prowess to fertile young females, if I’m eating a plate of seasoned vegetable mush?
Whereas if it appears to be a juicy slab of meat, I can maintain the veneer of my fragile masculinity. And who knows, maybe one of those cute progressive females will open her legs to me if I appear to care about animals.
Umbrias, Or maybe different cultures just have different palettes and people want to eat food that tastes like what they grew up eating? Maybe we could just… Enjoy both approaches to food? Outside of this meme do you even know with confidence that there aren’t Indians, a country of almost 1.5 billion people, 5x the size of the us, trying to recreate common meat dishes in a vegan way?
Friend, you just complained about the culture war, right before blatantly partaking in it in a wildly nonsensical way.
TheOakTree, I think “ThatFemby” is making a satirical post.
Umbrias, I am aware.
hiddengoat, Yes, now that someone pointed it out to you.
ThatFembyWho, If I couldn’t laugh about how assinine people can be sometimes, I’d have to cry… This keeps me sane (mostly) xD
_haha_oh_wow_, Shit, now I want some Indian food. Not even vegan, I just like it.
SaniFlush, I love me some mango curry
velox_vulnus, deleted_by_author
SaniFlush, Yeah I wasn’t kidding, I tried mango curry before and it’s awesome. Also this interface doesn’t show downvotes.
portside, I love Mangalore foods. I’m a big fan. I need to explore local dishes next time I’m there
MossyFeathers, Here’s my thing about meat: I’ll switch away from meat if you make it taste good. It doesn’t have to pretend to be meat, as long as it tastes good, that’s all I care about. I will still eat the occasional burger or bbq, but if you can find me vegetarian or vegan recipes that make me as happy as bbq does, I’ll try it.
UnverifiedAPK, I’m not vegetarian or vegan, but occasionally do a diet with my wife that makes us get creative with food. Here’s a few things I still eat:
Pad Thai is a good place to start
Oreos are surprisingly vegan
Taco Bell’s bean burrito, actually most Mexican food can just replace the meat with refried beans.
Bacon bits are vegan, toss them on some pasta like Cacio e Pepe
Chipotle’s chorizo is fake pork sausage, get it in either a bowl or a burrito.
Then the classics:
- tomato soup with grilled cheese
- peanut butter and jelly
- pancakes
- mac & cheese
- All cakes and pies (well excluding chicken pot & Shepard’s)
grue, Oreos are surprisingly vegan
It’s less surprising when you realize that stuff that processed almost might as well have been constructed from raw hydrocarbons. It’s like some NileRed “turning paint thinner into cherry soda”-level shit.
SnipingNinja, I said this above as a reply to another comment, but I do feel there are a lot of interesting dishes around the world that would be loved almost universally and I wish they would become universally accessible too
MossyFeathers, Okay, I hadn’t thought about pad Thai, but I love pad Thai.
I hadn’t thought about taco bell since its been a while since I’ve been there.
How are bacon bits vegan?
I haven’t tried Chipotle’s chorizo, I’ll have to try it out.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Emma_Gold_Man, For bacon bits, they’re talking about the drid stuff in the plastic cans - “Bacos” and similar. They’re usually soy based with artificial flavor - probably for longer/safer shelf life
MossyFeathers, Ah, okay. I was like, “how is something with ‘bacon’ in the name even remotely vegetarian, much less vegan.”
That makes sense, although now I wonder how they’re able to sell them as “bacon bits” if they don’t actually have any bacon in them.
roux, Those fake bacon bits that are bright red and crunchy that people put on their salads and such are made from soy. The real stuff that is chewy is def still pork.
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