adam_y, Good grief this is some boomer level meme. That joke’s as old as the Parthenon.
casmael, ‘Bout as straight as the Parthenon too
MrSilkworm, (edited ) fyi, the Parthenon was specifically designed so it didn’t have any straight lines, even when it seemed. It’s part of its perfection as an architectural masterpiece and one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
casmael, That’sTheJoke.png
SheDiceToday, I think you flipped the order of the wording/url, or the exclamation mark is causing issues.
kromem, I mean, she also looked like this.
Melonenbaum, Yes, there was a reason that they went to war for Hellen of Troy. The reason were tons over tons of contracts, promises and agreements, that literally forced the whole mainland Greece to help Hellen’s husband return her from Troy.
Mercival, Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should…
wreckedcarzz, Yeah, I certainly don’t want women in my threesomes
trailing9, Technically, shouldn’t there be no reason to go to war?
Bonehead, As bonobos have shown us, there's no need (or time) for war if we just constantly fuck.
db2, One of the terms for anal sex is “Greek” though…
GrammatonCleric, thatsthejoke.webp
db2, Oh it’s one of those. Carry on.
stochasticity, There’s no chance the Greeks were the first to have threesomes.
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