Schnitzel_bub, avatar

I’d like it if there was a 3rd web. Not normie web, not dark web, but 90’s-2000 web where it felt like anything could happen and you needed some skill and willpower to get online. That way you had to earn it and so did the others, so there was a lot less marketing, propaganda and conspiracy theory on it.

I don’t know what the rules or parameters would have to be to re-initiate that now.

PS just like the joining process on Lemmy filters out the lazy people without much initiative to tinker and find new places to hang out before they are cool and streamlined.


There is…


People have to feel funded, safe, and comfortable to make stuff for free to share with others, right now everyone feels like they need to make the absolute most money possible.

What will make a more neutral internet is a better world. Our virtual one and our real one are pretty interlinked and one can not be poisoned without it spreading to the other.


So you’re saying that the more people we pay well, the more good free resources we get. What a novel idea.

seitanic, avatar

You could just use a network like Retroshare or something like that.


Early 2000 web was the best web. Our student flat had just moved from dial up to ASDL so download speed felt incredible. I would StumbleUpon new an fantastic websites all night long. Play Flash games for hours. Or with friends, gross ourselves out on rotten dot com. TPB and Limewire to build my music library, but always seeding above 1 of course because sharing is caring. And not forgetting the chatrooms…
When Jack from Lost said “We have to go back!!”, this is what he was talking about.

Schnitzel_bub, avatar

You had to work for your series, movies and music. You had to know what you want to obtain it. You weren’t force-fed content you never asked for. You really think there’s no more good music? There is but being bombarded with the commercial sh*t makes you wary of searching more of it.

You had to work for it to get online and have stuff work, so you’d have to show determination. Which would mean you’d understand the value of access to information and communication. Now you’re bombarded with contradictory information pretty much constantly without even asking, accessing info isn’t the problem anymore, it becomes an effort to keep any focus or quality of information whatsoever. And that’s a soft skill.

And lastly, politics and big corporations now live on the internet with us. Their target audiences are those most intellectually defenseless people. But basically the whole internet has become centered around those. Because they can’t discern and are basically technologically illiterate and don’t understand how easy it is to feed them terrible commercials, propaganda and misinformation.

The internet becomes overregulated because of those users, and we get bombarded with marketing and politics because of them too. It’s become a shit show and all you can do is navigate and use it extremely selectively. Remember, these ‘normies’ are the parents of the 20-30 year Olds who once judged them for spending too much time on their PCs and phones.

swab148, avatar

So, we need a new internet community, with barriers against “normies”, so that only people with tech knowledge or friends of such can get in? Pretty much sounds like we’re already here. A few years ago I would’ve said “try the dark web” but TOR browser’s pretty much made that easy. Plus bitcoin’s way too volatile to spend now, and the eth rates are ridiculous. But, if you ask for shady, you get shady.

Nowadays, I recommend decentralized networks and self-hosting wherever possible. I personally can’t do it due to my living conditions, but as soon as I can break free of this place I will absolutely have the best home setup I can get at a reasonable price, and I’ll donate my excess compute time to BOINC.

Schnitzel_bub, avatar

Neato! I used boinc for a while too :D


Is that the little purple gorilla guy?


The internet never used to be like this. It used to be full of shitty GIFs and under construction signs. Also don’t forget to sign the guest book and be impressed with the high hit counter.

Yahoo! Also ruled as a search engine.


Imagining a fresh default computer with a new user just sitting down with no blockers of any kind and just wandering around is like imagining a baby sheep in a dark forest. sweat

trailing9, (edited )

Thus, the purest representation of hope (post from yesterday)


Ain’t that the truth!

Current EDC,

Mozilla Firefox with:

  • uBlock Origin
  • SponsorBlock for Youtube…
  • Dark Reader
  • Video Background Play fix

Anyone have any other recommendations or better systems?


Privacy badger is also a great tool, made by EFF themselves


Thank you!

Zerush, avatar

Way better as Privacy Badger is Trace, but sadly disattended since several years, but in the stores and still works. Currently i use JShelter


You could level up by adding uMatrix and plug any and all leaks of data, not just the big ones like ads and cookies. But then you’re a bit into control freak territory.


Thank you, I will check it out!

Zerush, avatar

Clickbait remover for YouTube, Now with the new YT anti adblock policy with nasty Popups, Adblock Plus works better in YT than uBO to avoid this crap. You also can watch most YT videos sandboxed in Andisearch or on desktop with SMPlayer (Right click on the player and paste YT link in “Open > URL”). If you have an Google account, you can opt out your YT subscriptions and playlist (deselect all other in the list) and export this to Odysee (online service from IMDB), which is IMHO the best alternatve to YT (better are PeerTube and other decentralized streaming services, but not if you prefer a decent amount of videos)


Wow, awesome!

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar
  • SingleFile to save webpages
  • OneTab
  • Resurrect Pages (can open any URL with, Internet Archive or Google Webcache)
  • LibRedirect (privacy frontends for any websites possible)
  • Bypass Paywalls Clean by magnolia

Thank you!



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  • jimmydoreisalefty,

    Thank you!



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  • jimmydoreisalefty,

    Yes, I learn that everytime I instal JS or umatrix like extensions, hahahahaha

    I tweak them for certain websites only, thank you for the reply!


    I setup Adguard home on a rpi4 and run all our devices through its dns with all filters enabled ( Probably overkill tbh).

    40% of our traffic is trapped. 40%!! we don’t do anything on internet beyond the usual but it’s interesting that a massive chunk of our traffic is just something tracking our movements.

    If interested, our device are Google tv, couple fire sticks, iPad, MacBook and windows laptop. each one pretty much contributes to the tracking evenly and to their respective brand tracking urls, although urls are the highest scores.


    I’ve always heard about this but I’m so uneducated in networking I have no clue what this is called or where to start. Any tips?


    Pretty straight forward really, install Adguard home on a always on Linux box (rpi is our movie box) via…/Getting-Started and then update all your devices as per the setup instructions from the web app when working so they use the ip address of the rpi as their dns. I was surprised how easy it was to get running tbh.


    Yes! I route my cell phone’s traffic through Adguard DNS and roughly HALF the phone’s traffic each month is blocked as tracking activity. I knew the spying was bad, but I thought I had already installed some browser tools to cut through the thicket. Yeesh.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar


    Hi PipedBot!


    Thank you, was not expecting skit to be that well done and accurate!


    Ryan George is awesome, I can recommend the whole channel plus the Pitch Meetings channel where he makes fun of movies :)


    Funny skits to watch randomly, thanks!


    bring back stumbleupon!

    seitanic, avatar

    And web rings!


    88x44 affiliate buttons


    We have CloudHiker. But isn’t good like StumbleUpon! Plus, is kinda repetitive, but works.

    sharkfucker420, avatar

    Gave up on using tor for my daily Internet use 😔 none of my school stuff worked without javascript


    >give normalfags access to the web
    >a place where they can say and host anything
    >they choose walled garden social media instead
    >they ruin the entire web in less than 10 years \
    >give normalfags access to all the free audio, video, vidya, books, and contnet they could ever desire
    >in better quality than any streaming service or cable provider
    >they pay $10 a month to multiple low quality streaming services instead
    >where content is constantly censored, removed, or edited to suit the opinions of people that don’t even watch it
    >they ruin the entire entertainment sector in less than a decade as content providers produce more and more low effort shit that caters to people that don’t even play/watch/listen to it

    >give normalfags access to hardware so powerful a nerd in the late 90s would have murdered someone for it
    >it’s so small they can carry it with them everywhere
    >you can always get an internet connection
    >normalfags use the device to take pictures of themselves to share with other normalfags
    >this eventually morphs into short videos where they do retarded dances and point at slogans seen on screen
    >ruin the concept of OC in less than a decade
    >everyone producing high quality work is drowned out or gives up all together

    >give normalfags access to the world’s collective knowledge and archives detailing everything you can imagine
    >instead of reading it, learning from it, debating it with others, and improving upon it they do web searches to find opinion pieces that align with their existing opinion and beliefs
    >they demand everything they personally dislike be censored instead of closing their eyes or the webpage they’re viewing
    >they incite campaigns to deplatform anything they don’t like when they don’t get their way
    >took them less than 10 years to ruin free speech on the internet

    Why do they ruin everything? Why did we allow this to happen?


    We don’t. The way-too-old-to-have-known-the-internet managers do. They want money. Money to their lawn green like a desert. Money to compensate their lack of accomplishments and skills.


    Ah yes the sensitive retards are mindlessly downvoting this just because of “muh slurs!!” even if they agree with the text. Thanks for proving my point. The internet has turned into a fucking daycare.




    have you ever talked with a mental health professional? that comment history indicates a severe mental illness


    Well which illness?

    AbsolutelyNotCats, avatar

    Sad but relatable

    HKayn, avatar

    Well, why are we using those sites?

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