And can I ask why do you give two shits what we think? Do what you love and fuck what we think… so long as it doesn’t involve secretly recording people in the bathroom or murdering people.
For those people who want to hear my interests, I made this meme regarding my music taste: I appreciate AJR, listen to Jon Bellion and think Golden Hour is a good song, all while saying that Taylor Swift is overrated (which she is; come on, listen to other artists). As a consequence, when I see that people decide that artists such as AJR, Imagine Dragons, Nickelback, and other artists are s**t and should not be listened to, I thought to myself: why?
Over/underrated is only important if you think other people’s opinions should be a guide for your tastes.
I like Taylor Swift (her fans are crazy), Imagine Dragons, and Nickelback (a decent song so long it had to be released over multiple CDs). I also like Bryan Adam’s (how many songs can you slip 69 into). I never heard of AJR, but that’s just a good reason to try them out. Say what you will about any of them, doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy them.
Interesting! I’m a huge music fan and actually run a reasonably big promotional channel where we commonly promote future bass and trap. When I’m around others or driving with others, they don’t always appreciate the “awesome” music I enjoy, aha. Oh and I hate 99% of the pop music on the radio. I despise it. Delete it. I really feel ya
I feel like Creed is this for me. I started really getting into it ironically, now I fucking love it unironically. My music snob friends will not even acknowledge it’s funny. Joke’s on them.
Thank you! They’re talented musicians, they absolutely fucking rock, and I love them so damn much. I immediately thought of my love for Creed when I saw this post, haha.
You started criticizing other people’s tastes in the back half of your comment so it’s fair game. AJR is derivative trash written by people who are obsessed with infantilizing themselves to a concerning degree. Like what you like. But what you like is d-tier, emotionally maladapted millennial pandering poopoo
I’ve never heard AJR but if you like them then they are fucking ace. I like incredibly repetitive bleepy music which makes a lot of people very angry indeed.
I also think “Shake It Off” is a banger (apart from the talking bit).
Thanks for posting this. It’s important that folks realise that taste is subjective
Maybe don’t shit on other peoples music taste if you are so bothered by people doing it to you. Young women got shit on constantly for liking Taylor Swift back in 2015, because all music girls liked was lame anyways. Let them have their music and we’ll let you have yours.
Radioactive was so overplayed and the singer has such a distinct voice that I can’t hear that voice anymore without reflexively gagging. I was a fan back in the day but once I hit that point, I never came back from it.
I like some of those too (AJR, golden hour, imagine dragons, and nickelback), but I don’t dislike Taylor Swift either. I think calling her overrated is not a great response to how your interests are treated.
Ok but also I’m noticing that your meme is complaining about people criticizing what you like and your reasoning is a little of what you like and a lot of criticizing what others like. It’s awesome that you like these things, but instead of thinking of other things as overrated or shit, consider thinking of them as not to your tastes. Not worse, just not for you. It’s a good habit that if everyone followed we’d not be condemning your tastes as bad either
You’re doing it backwards. Don’t put your stuff out there to just anyone, like on Facebook or whatever. Find the communities around your hobbies and put your stuff out to them. Be selective online, because the signal to noise ratio is very very bad these days.
I dont get anything but Lemmy. Its the better Reddit, which I also like. Kinda only-people-of-same-interest but also more open, so new ones can join easily
We on the internet ain’t your bar mates ya know. Just like you to me, we’re all random ppl living our own lives on some part of this planet lol. if you think they are trampling on what you like, then fuck them lol, find a group that does care lol
Don’t let a bunch of internet bozos convince you that your interests are bad or stupid. Some people just aren’t into the things that you are and vice versa. They don’t even know you! Fuck em!
Lol, fuck the bitches on the internet. If I’d have listened to the losers, I wouldn’t have become a kinky gay wolf-tiger-fox on the internet. Humanity would be a lesser place without it.
Don’t let your dreams stay dreams. Fuck your local wolf boy today! (or whatever your interests are)
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