Japan is living in the future that the 1990s dreamed of.

Shmandom, If it ain’t broken…
tiredofsametab, Live in Japan. Plenty of things are quite broken :/
- regressive drug laws
Floshie, still not so up to date LGBTQIA+ laws
Speculater, ![]()
80 hour work weeks
darq, ![]()
Japan has been in the year 2000 for the past 50 years.
Floshie, Not the first time I see this, still makes me laugh
intensely_human, Features all around
Thranduil, Needing to ask your boss so he can ask his boss so he can ask his boss so he can verify if you can sharpen your pencil
LokyinN, ![]()
japan being the most cyberpunk nation besides communist China and South Korea
doctorcrimson, The future has way too much nationalism and misogyny.
Knutsen, “This post is sponsored by the World Economic Forum”
PersnickityPenguin, Japan uses cards, it’s just that they love their trains so much, they put their money on their fare cards I stead of using credit cards.
I still have my Suica card, it’s got $50 on it still.
EmperorHenry, ![]()
Cash is better than digital currency. And gold, silver and copper coins are better than any other currency.
AWittyUsername, Cash society is good.
Killercat103, ![]()
Cash Society isn’t a bad thing imo.
cyborganism, Living the casette futurism dream.
pascal, That’s what I’m saying for a long time after being in Japan a couple of times.
30 years ago, Japan was 20 years in the future, and they liked it so much, they never changed since.
beerclue, All of those apply to Germany as well. Except floppies …
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