Kolanaki, I wanna be dead; I don’t want to die. I wanna skip the whole transitional phase between living and dead. That’s the part I suspect hurts.
EatYouWell, See, I don’t want to be dead, I just wouldn’t complain if I wasn’t alive.
dustyData, (edited ) Just as a general PSA for anyone reading this. This is known as passive suicidal ideation. It’s a massive red flag that something is not right and you should reach out to a mental health practitioner or at least have a heartfelt talk with someone close you trust about your struggles. Reach out to any support network you have, because it’s the start of the slippery slope to suicidal thoughts if left unattended.
Selmafudd, I don’t want to die and I don’t want to live forever… it’s literally the only thing that gives me anxiety if I think about it too much
Quik, Apart from the possibility of that being a serious mental problem: By the very definition we all wouldn’t.
HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, I’ve seen a few people die and it did not look pleasant. Even they got a shitton of drugs to go out on.
InEnduringGrowStrong, “Not today”
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