That’s the only way I remember it. I guess I had stopped drinking it before they switched to plastic. It’s probably my fault they stopped making it. Sorry.
I remember the firefighters that lived on my street would poke a hole in the top of an empty Sobe bottle cap and fill it halfway with gasoline before nestling the glass bottle inside their fire pit. They did this pretty much every weekend. The fireball was always impressive.
I’ve got a wicked scar on my right hand that can attest to that! I was riding my bike home from my supermarket job as a teenager without a light… While holding my Sobe drink in my hand… I didn’t see a retaining wall log that had fallen down onto the sidewalk so I hit it, tire-first. I flew over the handlebars and my hand landed on the bottle as it broke. Severed a nerve in the hand and damn-near hit an artery. Surgery to repair that, and I still have some numbness in it. Live and learn, but I’ll always think of that when someone mentions Sobe!
I remember it getting bought out. The older teas had about 5 ingredients on the label. Overnight they doubled or tripled. Of course we needed all those chemicals because they were cheaper than just making a good tea.
Did they finally kill sobe? I used to chug that stuff as a kid, tried one a few years ago, not sure if it was always that sweet, or it went the way of most good indie (that was bought up by conglomerates) beverage distributors.
Sobe first came on my radar around 2000, imma look it up for it, because I feel you aren’t that old… Idk maybe you are old, founded in 96, bought by Pepsi in 2000.
It was always that sweet. Everything we drank as kids was SUPER sweet, mostly still is. Once you break the sugar addiction and try those things again later the sweetness is shocking.
I quit drinking pop in my late teens to early 20s. It is genuinely difficult for me to finish a single can of pop now, no idea how I drank 2 litres of it a day as a kid without getting fat or diabetic.
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