AgentGrimstone, My map would look really sad
vsh, Mine would be silent hill lol
SocialMediaRefugee, I just want to be able to establish lodestones so I can tele to places
Dicska, So Jäger bombs.
AphoticDev, You know, I would really like to try this.
jetsetdorito, You can see this in Waze if you open the map editor. you can only edit a certain radius around where you’ve been, so your editable area is like a fog of war.
Empricorn, So… how do you open the map editor these days? I used Waze and added roads and stuff back in the day before Google bought it, but I just opened the app and can’t seem to get back into that “mode”. Sorry for the dumb question…
lledrtx, Do you need to have used Waze? Or does it pull from my Google maps data?
Zoomboingding, Play Pikmin Bloom. It does exactly this, and can track your step counts/location in the background.
Epicurus0319, “Survey region”
chrishazfun, gta v map menu but irl
ComradePorkRoll, Stop giving Google ideas on how to track us even more.
RagingRobot, They already have this data for most people. This could already be a thing
EmperorHenry, YES! I can’t use the GPS on my phone because of the data it collects
JungleJim, Oh no, not a visual representation of data they already have as a matter of course by the very nature of a map app or GPS!
hakunawazo, Everytime somebody of your family or friends is inside the known area there should be an alert: reinforcement has arrived.
Or an alert about new options if you unfog a new building like a restaurant.
majestic, Any osm app with that feature?
MMNT, Be the change you want to see in the world. …and send me the link when you do.
majestic, Bruh :]
Zoomboingding, This is reposted all the time and the answer has kept being: Pikmin Bloom. It’s F2P, you reveal the areas you physically visit and the rest of the map is grey. It’ll track your steps and location in the background, so all you have to do is have your phone on you.
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