whoisearth, 1 year ago So interesting as I intentionally walk slower now. There’s something cathartic about watching people pass you constantly knowing nothing they’re going to is that important in the grand scheme of things.
So interesting as I intentionally walk slower now. There’s something cathartic about watching people pass you constantly knowing nothing they’re going to is that important in the grand scheme of things.
GrammatonCleric, 1 year ago But Sonic runs
But Sonic runs
JoShmoe, 1 year ago Step dad propaganda. They’ll tell you anything to get you from running around the pool.
Step dad propaganda. They’ll tell you anything to get you from running around the pool.
Darkmuch, 1 year ago Classic Sonic youtu.be/rYydtU2G_eY?si=8cQ5M1jGdt7MuR_R
Classic Sonic youtu.be/rYydtU2G_eY?si=8cQ5M1jGdt7MuR_R
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