You do understand that the film isn’t a documentary? It’s a family film. You’d be the guy complaining that in episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton as a xylophone, he strikes the same rib in succession yet produces two clearly different notes.
Edit: Actually, there’s a lot more to say. Your comment is simply wrong on every point it makes.
Firstly, you mischaracterise the elderly, maybe from a myopic view based on personal anecdotes. People who live active lives before retirement tend to live relatively active lives after retirement. The reason they may choose to live more cautious lifestyles is because mundane injuries for a young person can spell a death sentence for the elderly. In over 65s, a simple fall can lead to a hip fracture, which has a one-year mortality rate of 21% if the patient undergoes surgery; this mortality rate rises to 70% if they do not undergo surgery.
Secondly, if you earnestly believe that a 90 year old, over 20 years into retirement, needs to polish their work boots, get on their bike, and find work to support their family, then you’re either mentally deficient, a child with zero experience of the job market, or a tory. Either way, you’re detached from reality. Forgetting the fact that a retiree has earned their retirement, a company is simply less likely to take on an over 65, either through some judgment of their ability or out of fear that a common workplace slip can turn into a death.
You really need to get some perspective on how the world works, and maybe a hobby that isn’t making ill-informed ultra-literalised criticisms of family films. Next you’ll be saying that Grandpa Joe should learn to code so he can remote hustle from his bed.