DharmaCurious, A spoiler warning would have been nice. I haven’t read it yet!
MacNCheezus, It’s only been out for 2,800 years, how much more time do you need?
LEDZeppelin, I’m waiting for season 2 to come out
MacNCheezus, I hear it will be released right after Half-Life 3.
nxdefiant, 2.5.2 soon.
DharmaCurious, Standard courtesy is 3 millennia.
WhiskyTangoFoxtrot, Gilgamesh dies.
DharmaCurious, D: Now you’re just being intentionally cruel!
PapaStevesy, Lord Farquad quote title ftw
glorious_albus, I only recently learnt his name is a play on fuckwad.
RIP_Cheems, If I remember correctly, the odyssey lasted as long as the Trojan war.
byroon, How about the Odussy. Is that something?
sagrotan, Nobody ever went on a Redshirtey or Sailorey.
nbafantest, Lmao
possiblylinux127, Stop, your giving me flash backs
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