SuddenDownpour, If your only issue is that modern games suck, rather than A) Being too exhausted after work, B) Having social media-induced attention deficit, C) Being overwhelmed with other responsibilities or anxiety, or D) Simply just not having enough time, you just have to find games that are actually good. Not AAA grindfests that aim at keeping you glued to the screen getting collectibles for 80 hours, but games that are actually trying to provide you with a worthwhile experience.
Some suggestions: Subnautica, Outer Wilds (not The Outer Worlds), Disco Elysium, Pathologic 2 (mind you, this one is extremely stressful, it’s a masterpiece but most people will not enjoy it), The Forgotten City, Hades and Omori.
The_Picard_Maneuver, Outer Wilds (not The Outer Worlds)
Thank you for this distinction! I’ve heard people rave about Outer Wilds and all this time thought they were talking about Outer Worlds, which surprised me because I thought Outer Worlds was boring. Taking a look at gameplay now!
veni_vedi_veni, N64 Goldeneye was peak gaming
Daxtron2, skill issue
TotallynotJessica, If retirement homes don’t have videogames when I’m old, I’ll lobby for voluntary euthanasia. Aging is a straight negative. Arguments about it making life meaningful are copium. I can have a meaningful life of gratitude without my body falling apart.
AlgonquinHawk, Also the fact that you feel like you should be more responsible and doing something else. That’s what eats away at me in the adulthood/fatherhood
mechoman444, Back when I was a kid I could play games for hours and hours. Now that I’m 38 I can play video games for hours and hours.
EmperorHenry, When I get into something I’m doing in SWTOR, I can play for a LOOONG time.
BaskinRobbins, This is how I felt until I played Valheim and BG3. I think my preferred genres have just shifted. I need something I can relax and play at my own pace. I use to only play competitive shooters, where I needed to be “on” the whole game. Now I can only play a shooter for about an hour before my mind starts to drift and I lose interest.
Blackmist, I think that’s the fault of games rather than me.
A lot of games are the same generic open world bollocks and it’s honestly just exhausting.
Cowbee, (edited ) The steam deck is nice for this. It’s am absolute slayer of backlogs.
UID_Zero, I just got a Steam Deck, and I bought Baldur’s Gate 3. Pretty sure I’ll finish it on my deathbed. It feels like the hour here or there that I manage to play is not getting me anywhere fast.
Cowbee, I find the Steam Deck is fantastic for people who have a lot of tiny moments with not much else going on, and for those who travel.
joyjoy, Also me: will watch an 8 hour stream on twitch
korny, I feel this way pretty often, but then I open Factorio again and the night turns to day quickly.
EnderMB, Trying to learn how to play a Final Fantasy game in your late thirties is like trying to learn brain surgery on a worm. I don’t know how I had the patience for any of that shit back in the day.
ILikeBoobies, Children/teens produce more dopamine than adults
Floodedwomb, The most realistic part is that you can’t afford name brand chips as an adult.
licherally, I’ve put over 400 hours into vanilla terraria and recently started the calamity mod, first day I put like 6 hours into it.
I don’t play every day, I just don’t have the time/energy. But when I do I try to make it count.
That being said, we used to play Edward forty hands and try to beat ocarina of time in a single evening, usually staying up until dawn despite the copious alcohol.
I’m not the stallion I used to be, but even an old horse has something to prove.
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