I am tentatively excited. Seeing Miller is still attached as the director is a big positive. He clearly has a vision for the Mad Max universe that has elaborated over time. Anya Taylor-Joy is a good actress and she passes for a young Charlize Theron.
I am mildly worried by some of the visuals, which have a more floaty and obvious CG look to them. A few shots look more ‘300’ than ‘Fury Road’. Might just be bad context and/or early visuals that aren’t fully cleaned up yet.
Edit: I just realized what the visuals really remind me of. 2011’s ‘Priest’ starring Paul Bettany. Concerning.
Possibly very much like that, with series meaning episodes will be adjusted for action in each of them instead of working with a nice film flow of 2-3 hours.
A couple War Boys shots with some of the vehicles and environment effects look promising, but I’d put this one on a skeptical box then be surprised if it comes out good, rather than experience the opposite for the nth time.
Recently read Blood Sweat and Chrome about the making of Fury Road - Furiosa was written during the decades long production of that movie. Originally was going to be an anime tie-in like the Animatrix but they thought it was too good not to save for a movie.
Fury Road being made was a miracle driven by Miller’s unstoppable vision - it went through three studios. At one point it was two weeks away from shooting with Mel Gibson like ten years before it was actually shot. It really is an inspiring story of perserverence.
And what we got was an improvement through newer technology. A 90s or even 00s movie would have been green screen galore, with cgi producing most of the scene. Instead, cgi evolved to be able to erase the cables and other safety items to make most of the movie a practical stunt. As Miller kept dreaming up more crazy cars, those too became reality with time as improved materials and engineering allowed them to exist. Iirc, the biggest surprise in Fury Road development was the “pole cat” cars.
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