Rogue ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’ Intermissions at Movie Theaters Spur Studio to Intervene
Emperor, Three hours and 26 minutes but it feels like 5.
ShaggySnacks, You just described a Michael Bay movie.
MrFappy, Scorsese can truly fuck himself if he thinks a 3.5 hour movie doesn’t require an intermission. His last was 4, but you could also pause it to piss. The man is a fucking sadist.
Anticorp, Makes me wonder if the staff making the movie was allowed more than one bathroom break every work day.
CeruleanRuin, Settle down there sparky.
hogunner, Scorsese: Marvel movies are ruining the cinema experience!
Also Scorsese: The agony of a bladder about to burst and the subsequent relief of pissing yourself is an essential part of my authentic cinema experience!
slurpeesoforion, “My artistic vision includes bladder infections and discomfort. Piss your pants for my art genius.”
phorq, How dare people not have to choose between being human and missing the movie to piss! I say we chain them to their seats!
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