I also try to get along with a small amount of software and I also mainly stick with default configurations. It is a great feeling when setting up a new PC or a device that there is little need to install a bunch of software and mess with a lot of configurations just to get my learned workflow up and running. Therefore there also isn’t really a need to follow new software releases.
On android (though I wish I was using a true gnu/Linux phone…) I open Neo store every once in a while and peruse the explore tab, sorting by most recently updated. Neo store is a better f-droid client (a source for open source android apps)
For desktop Linux, i guess you could do the same, (though for some reason i haven’t) and peruse the free sofyware marketplace that comes with your linux distro. I also used to google articles about top 10 new open source apps for ubuntu 2023, or similar google searches. I also used to read a bunch of Linux, open source, and linux hardware related sub-reddits that I’ve been slowly trying to replace with Lemmy communities, right now I subscribe to:
If anyone has anymore I should subscribe to, suggest away!
I also browse YouTube which in the past has suggested videos of people reviewing new open source apps or software. Though those video suggestions have gotten worse as YouTube’s algorithms have gotten worse in the last few years.
Also in the past I’d peruse alternativeto.net to see if there’s anything better in the open source world for proprietary software, or even alternatives to existing open source software I use.
Slashdot, hacker news feeds and some communities here. I dont really try to keep up with commercial tech since most of it is bundled with DRM or spyware with exceptions such as the steamdeck.
I’m only interested FOSS stuff myself. I subscribe to some security and privacy communities here in addition to some technology ones. If the news is big enough we’ll hear about it one way or another.
Discoverability happens organically out of need. Eg search “split pdfs linux” and I’ll get a cli tool for it.
Lots of good suggestions already commented. I browse subs and communities, browse fdroid regularly and have a scroll through sourceforge/ git*/ alternativeto/ linux distro repositories now and again
One time i was really bored and just sorted projects on gitlab and github by stars and scrolled page after page finding many interesting projects. Then finding one thing makes you think of another which you can go look in to
You say that as if (normal) domains are expensive. You’re gonna be paying a lot more for electricity for your NAS than a domain. If you don’t need anything recognizable which you just want to use for yourself, you can even get a 1.111B class domain (000000.xyz - 999999999.xyz) which are just $1 per year. It’s a much better option than a dyndns service because you can actually do whatever you need to with the domain.
Like others suggested, lemmy communities and some news sites like HackerNews.
But also some YouTube channels like Mental Outlaw, The Linux experiment and Brodie Robertson (most of them also have Odysee channels if you don’t want to use YouTube). Also Luke Smith (actually he shills a lot of foss software).
I’ll be waiting for the dialer, sms, and contact apps in f-droid. Gallery is there already. Too bad I donated a couple of times to Tibor; wish you all the best anyways !
Nextcloud is simply software that runs on something. You might use DNS to find the something that your Nextcloud runs on … or not. A domain can cost as little as say £10/year (no details given - loose costing provided!) but you say you don’t want one.
You could do some weird stuff involving something like this: Your clients update a database on the server with their current IP address(es) and the server reciprocates in kind regularly.
For an internets conversation, both sides need to know IP address, protocol, and optionally port; for both ends. For example, a webby conversation might involve:
My end:, tcp port 2399 -> NAT ->, tcp port 2245 Remote web server:, tcp port 443
Now, provided both sides are warned off about changes to addresses and port numbers on a regular basis, then comms will still work.
Say, your home external IP address changes, then your browser writes that new address to the remote server and comms continue. Provided one end knows all the details of the other end at any point in time and can communicate local changes then we are good.
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