YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users

I’m sure many of you are already aware that YouTube has been rolling out anti-adblock detection for Chrome users for a few weeks now.

Today, as a long time Firefox user with the fantastic uBlock Origin extension installed, I got my first anti-adblock popup on the platform. Note that this may not happen to you personally for a while, but it is inevitably coming for everyone.

Thankfully, the fine folks at uBlock Origin have already advised a simple workaround (on Reddit, yuck!) which I will duplicate in a simplified form below for your convenience. I have tested it on Firefox and it is working fine for me (so far).


  1. Update uBO to the latest version (1.52.0+) . <== The extension itself, for technical improvements. You do this in your browser.
  2. Remove your custom config / reset to defaults. <== This means removing your custom filters (or disabling My filters) and disabling ALL additional lists you’ve enabled. It might be quicker to make a backup of your config and restore to defaults instead.
  3. Force an update of your Filter Lists. <== This is within the extension. Lists are what determine what’s blocked or not. How to update Filter lists: Click 🛡️ uBO’s icon > the ⚙ Dashboard button > the Filter lists pane > the 🕘 Purge all caches button > the 🔃 Update now button.
  4. Disable all other extensions AND your browser’s built-in blockers. <== No need to uninstall, just disable them. They might interfere with our solutions.

Make sure you follow all 4 points above. If you’re seeing the message, it’s likely due to your custom config (either additional lists or separate filters in My filters).

Restarting your browser afterwards may help too.

Once you’ve gotten rid of the issue on default settings, you can slowly start restoring your config (if you really need it). Do it gradually, to easier find out what was causing the issue in the first place. Once you find the culprit, simply skip it in your config.

If you want to use Enhancer for YouTube*, you have to* disable its adblocking*.*

May the force uBlock Origin be with you!


Just wanted to mention a few things that have been pointed out in the comments:

  • There are quite a few projects that provide an alternative ad-free front end to YouTube. These include Invidious, FreeTube, LibreTube, Newpipe, Revanced, and I’m sure there are several more options I’ve missed. I don’t have any particular preference really but I routinely use NewPipe on my cellphone just because I tried it once and couldn’t be bothered trying all the others.
  • In step 4 listed above, to clarify, afaik you only need to remove adblocker extensions (if you have more than one installed) that might conflict with the uBlock Origin rules and trigger the anti-adblock, not all extensions.
  • If you hate non-stop ads but want to support your favorite content creators then be sure to give them some love on Patreon or whatever alternative options they provide. Creators typically make only a tiny, tiny fraction of what YouTube makes in ad revenue, assuming YouTube doesn’t just outright steal the lot, and it’s a shitty business model that’s ruining the internet. Even if you watch the ads, you’re only supporting YouTube most of the time, not the creators.

I switched to FreeTube and it’s pretty good so far. I’m missing a few things and better browser integration but it’s great.


Alternative solution: Since YouTube disabled all ads in Russia, you can just use russian vpn/proxy for the most effective YouTube adblocking possible.


Wow! What a great idea! What could be better than routing all your traffic through a Russian VPN provider and probably bypassing sanctions? What could possibly go wrong?


Just for the sake of clarity, what exactly do you think will happen?


Might get drone stoked to protect American interests.

silent_water, avatar

lol the US security apparatus is bad but it’s not that bad. you might get put on a watchlist though.


Nice try, Roskomnadzor

potemkinhr, avatar

This one’s hilarious, but that one’s not gonna work for long as they will axe almost all non-government approved VPNs


Thanks for a solution that nobody will ever use

AOCapitulator, avatar

Im imagining any russian person who sees this comment just smiling smugly


Thank god we have people working tirelessly to prevent Google’s greed


While I’m thankful for the team at uBlock Origin, I still wouldn’t call it greedy that a company that provides a quite excellent free video streaming platform, would also like to make a little profit from it too or at the very least to cover the expenses.


It’s not the advertising that’s the problem, it’s the tracking and surveillance that comes with it. Until they get rid of that, uBlock Origin is a necessary security measure.


To me it is the advertising that is the problem. Without ads, there’s no need for collecting user data either. Even if it’s non-targeted ads, that would still make the advertisers the customer, not the people watching those videos. This incentivizes them to optimize the platform to please the advertisers, not the users, resulting in a worse service.

I understand why many people feel like the option to have non-targeted ads instead of monthly fee seems tempting, but in my opinion this doesn’t solve the root of the problem, which is the ads-based bussines model. It’s what makes everything go to shit.

Stumblinbear, avatar

Ad based models aren’t great, but the alternative is subscription based. And we know exactly what the internet feels about that. Look at the amount of people here in this thread given that exact choice and refusing to pay


Yeah but those same people are already paying for Spotify, Netflix, Disney+ and so on. I’m not some bussines genious, so I’m obviously talking out of my ass, but I’d imagine if YouTube had switched to a affordable subscribtion model like 5 years ago, today we’d have a much better platform. I don’t think it’s so much the subscribtion model itself that’s the issue, but the transition from a free platform to paid one.


Original YouTube, before Google, was one of many Video streaming websites – living alongside competitors such as Dailymotion, Vimeo… And Google video. Those guys, yes, would’ve deserved this sort of compassion.

Google’s YouTube is an evil entity that bruteforced itself into a de facto monopoly, routinely changes the rules for content creators that have built the platform and often depend on it for their living, allows a predatory system of copyright trolls to thrive at the expense of the creators, frequently allows creators to be robbed of their channel and income by arbitrary strikes while being completely deaf to requests for help, leverages Google’s power to crush potential competitors, influence public opinion, stifle free speech… I could go on. Sympathy for such an entity, quite frankly, for me, is a form of Stockholm syndrome.

Stumblinbear, avatar

Whether you like their actions or not, they still have bills to pay


They already do make more than “a little profit” from YouTube. The shareholders demand infinite growth tho, so Google has to nickle and dime their users for even more profit. The bane of any publicly traded company.


I have been using YouTube almost since the day one. I’ve watched tens of thousands of hours of free content, and I’ve not watched a single ad. If their every user was like me, then how could they make any profit from it? Now the profit comes from the people that do watch those ads aswell as people who pay for premium. What does that make me then? A freerider.


You’re still adding views to the video and engage by liking which is good for the influence metrics. Google uses that to ask for higher prices to show ads on that video. Well, they give the influence metrics to advertisers and they have to decide themselves how much showing an ad on this video would be worth for them. It’s like an instant auction, there is no fixed price. So, while you are freeriding, the compensation of you not seeing ads is mainly covered by advertisers.

To be clear, advertisers are not paying more because they pay Google for an ad that is blocked (that’s not happening), they pay more because Google uses your views to tell advertisers that this video is a good investment.

Stumblinbear, avatar

You adding views to some random video absolutely does not offset the cost of your usage through ads. Ads can make a surprising amount of money for a platform (upwards of 4 or 5 dollars a month per free user). Based on YouTube removing premium Lite, I think it’s actually very safe to assume that the consumption of free users is around that, so approximately $7 per month on average. Do you honestly think this would offset that cost in any universe?

It’s okay to want stuff for free. Just make sure you fully understand the consequences and don’t try to play it off like you’re the good guy.


more than “a little profit”

Can we be sure about that? YT is owned by Alphabet, a publicly traded company. However, they have chosen not to disclose the financial statements of YT, thus not telling investors about profits or losses. Now think about it: if you had a cash cow that was making you a fortune, wouldn’t you want to disclose that to investors, make it public, so that your company (and the stock you own in it) is worth more? And yet they don’t do that, which makes me (and Louis Rossman apparently) think that YT is likely not as profitable as we may think, if it even turns a profit. The ad business, especially now, is not doing well, which coincides with YT’s crackdown on ad blocking. Why would that be? Probably because they are at a loss rn, and are truing to make that back by forcing users to watch ads.


Youtube may be making a loss, but Google is not and they are better off keeping users in their ecosystem. If there was a viable alternative, I doubt this would be happening. There isn’t though, and with no competition anymore they’re free to capitalize and attempt to make as much profit as possible.


That’s why I was going through my list of Youtubers I’ve subscribed to the other day. So basically, many of them are on Odyssey or PeerTube, and some have their own podcasts and blogs, so I’ll be able to keep up with most of the creators I follow on YT, and the work they do.


the nature of the web is that you are sent information and a suggestion of how to render it. The user is free to view as little or as much of that content as they decide.

“ad blockers arent allowed on youtube” is an insane statement. ad blockers arent on youtube. you are just being selective about which content you render.

it is greedy to try and rewrite the fundamental workings of the web because you feel entitled to profit.

Stumblinbear, avatar

Okay, let’s get rid of all ads and move to subscriptions across the entire internet. What a fantastic idea.

DreamySweet, avatar

Donations work too.

Stumblinbear, avatar

Donations don’t work by themselves. Pretty much ever.


Maybe expecting payment for freely given information isn’t actually a good business model.

Corporations have taken the ‘supermarket chain’ methodology of using huge amounts of capital to cement themselves as the standard until competition dies and then hiking the prices. But i don’t think that actually works for the web. They get all the users and sink (or buy out) the little guys, sure. But how many of these platforms are able to turn that into profit?

As the platforms become more and more desperate, they bend further and further to advertiser’s whims and everyone suffers. Its not like they’re really paying content creators anyway. Most of them make their money from patreon/etc.

I cant stop giant corporations from breaking the web but i’m not going to pretend that disabling my adblocker would be helping some small struggling company, and im certainly not going to thank them for it

snowbell, avatar

Hell yes, lets do it

Stumblinbear, avatar

You know you could just subscribe to remove them anyways right?

sheepishly, avatar

I'm feeling very lucky Brave seems to have been able to work around this for now. Wonder how long that'll last.


I just got the prompt in Brave today. Whomp.

Hovenko, avatar


  • just right click on the message and ‘block element’ :D

or paste this to your filters:


All I need from youtube are my handful of subscriptions and my watch later, so I have moved on to invidious. I’d recommend it




It’s a privacy respecting front end for YouTube. Same data, less google cancer. Just look it up. I’m a fan of its a solid public invidious instance. It’s all very similar to what piped is doing. I haven’t used YouTube proper in ages.


I may have to use that if they really are going to block ad blockers, I’ve sworn off making YouTube videos ever since they hit me with a strike for promoting gang violence and criminal organizations. I didn’t know such thing but apparently they are going to retroactively consider any persons they consider too controversial to talk about on YouTube as the head of a criminal organization, and any explanation as to who they are support for them.

It simply isn’t safe to post anything on YouTube if they are going to ban you for something they retroactively decided was bad. If I post any content in a video format it’s probably going on a Federated video site


I do also recommend odyssey and Library


Thanks, I’m playing through Phoenix Wright, haven’t touched the games since high school…

After I finish, I’m going to playthrough a second time, recorded for a Federated Video Site

It’s not interesting if I’m going “Cmon cmon, what evidence is it?” for like 30 minutes of dead air while the audience is falling asleep or screaming “You idiot, the witness says he’s allergic to bananas, but he’s eating one right now! Show him the banana!”

nicetriangle, avatar

So annoyed at how all these services keep degrading for users. I was happy to pay for premium light. I don't need download/music/etc I just wanted no ads. Simple as that. The price was fairly reasonable and I would have kept paying it. Now they got rid of the premium light and I have to pay at least 50% more for additional things I don't and will not use.

Alright then, well you lost a customer and I'll just use AdBlock. And if you somehow figure out how to disable that, I'm just going to find content somewhere else. I'm fucking sick of ads. I'll pay a reasonable amount to remove them. But I will not be continually wrung out for more and more money. Just leave me alone.


Same here. I would have been tempted to pay for premium light but they removed that, and I’m not paying extra for things I don’t use.

skullgiver, (edited ) avatar


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  • Ser_Salty,

    I didn’t mind the ads back in the day, like 10+ years ago. They were ads for cars, cleaning products, food and drink, movies, games, theme parks, shit like that. Regular products, wasn’t really any super scummy stuff there. Now half the ads are scummy mobile games designed to cause a gambling addiction, impersonation frauds and scams, crypto doubling scams like it’s fucking Runescape, and a whole bunch of other shit that is actively harmful or brainrotting. I don’t mind seeing a funny little fox selling me laundry detergent, but the fart-piss-and-shit mobile ads are just genuinely revolting. If YouTube wants to make me watch ads, they should have some standards and vetting processes for those ads. Like, I still listen to the radio. I hardly notice the ads there because they aren’t actively making me feel worse physically for having listened to them. Very rarely I’ll watch regular TV and, again, don’t really mind the ads there 90% of the time.

    And that’s not even touching on what the creators actually get from the hours of my life I would end up watching ads. If you donate 2 bucks to your favorite creator or sub to their patreon or whatever, you’ve probably given them more money than they would get from your ad views in a year. It’s not the loss of adblock revenue that’s making so many creators take sponsorships, it’s the lack of revenue in the first place.


    I followed all of these steps and still got my player blocked. Ublock origin is the only adblocker on my browser too. So now I use freetube


    100% this. The ublock team are doing a fantastic job but Google are tweaking their script 2 or 3 times a day, causing the ublock team to constantly play catch up. As a user, all this has done is made me move to a more customisable front end, freetube. It’s legitimately faster to browse and load videos than the main YouTube Web page, comes with sponsorblock built in, and allows easier profile switching, all with no ads or bullshit.

    I’d have never searched for or known about it if YouTube hadn’t gone batshit crazy with the ad block blocker.

    Fuck em.

    uriel238, avatar

    I got a notice that was closable with an upper-left corner ❎️ after which I couldn’t reproduce the pop-up and watched videos unimpeded.

    I’ll continue to report developments.

    0039 PST 2023-10-13 ETA So the last two days, I’d get the YouTube warning, close it, and do the purge-update dance on uBlock Origin, and wouldn’t get the pop-up until hours later. Is that because I didn’t do it right, but the pop-up is only set to appear every few hours? Or is it because YouTube keeps fighting, and uBlock Origin keeps updating? I don’t know.

    The pop-up warning is not appearing on any of my youtube devices, for which I’ve done no updates (and watch videos from Firefox for Android with uBlock. Note that I’ve turned off other adblockers, but not NoScript. Dunno if that makes a difference.


    The pop ups doesn’t show up if your ublock origin is correctly updated.


    I’ve gotten it once per day now 3 days in a row

    lukini, avatar

    People really don’t like video creators getting paid huh…

    And this is coming from a pirate that’s fine screwing over huge corporations. I really enjoy the work of a lot of YouTubers and love supporting them instead of standard cable.

    frippa, avatar

    If you really wanna support them give them a dollar on PayPal, to a creator 1000 views are worth 1/2dollars, ergo it’s pretty hard for them to make even just a mere dollar off of you through ads, I block all ads and donate when their content is useful/entertaining

    AOCapitulator, avatar

    If YouTube stops my adblockers working the only thing, and I mean the ONLY thing it will mean, is I’ll never watch another YouTube video as long as I live

    Fuck you google


    They probably don’t care as they weren’t making money off you anyway ¯_(ツ)_/¯


    That’s what they want. Consume ads, pay or stop using bandwidth.

    I am unsure how much they care about views when so many have adblockers. It will be a useful metric when the huge majority can not block ads.


    RIP I was finally getting some exposure with breadmaking shorts and now the platform’s on it’s knees.


    You can totally switch to an alternative.


    Odysee kind of has a white supremacy problem, and also is financed by a crypto scheme so…

    I really wish there were a proper alternative that just feels like an even slightly less evil version of YouTube but there currently is not.


    Nothing has changed for me yet on firefox. Is this supposed to be rolled out to everyone?

    A_Asselin, avatar

    It rolled out to me yesterday (Firefox/Linux/ublock in the midwest USA on comcast) and the “fix” instantly “fixed” it… but I still prefer Freetube.


    I mean, I saw the warnings, but still could close them and keep watching them. Still, I ended up getting Premium to support YT streamers I watch without ads. It’s either that or that YouTube dies with a domino effect on the industry of small time streamers. I watch it far more than Netflix or Disney Plus, and have payed zero cents for the convenience of adblock. I’ll still keep it installed to use with other Google accounts, but I have no problem paying.

    I can understand the people that are angry because a service that has been free for so long begins charging, but don’t be disingenuous and begin saying that the service doesn’t cost anything to maintain, or worse, that the whole business model is nonviable when it’s asking about the same for premium as other streaming services that have been having no problem existing, specially when the money coming out of those services should be in recent memory considering it was one of the major points regarding the writer’s strike (getting a cut from streaming).


    I don’t mind paying either, but I think that premium is just a bad deal.


    It only seems like a bad deal because everything we’ve been getting has been free so far and the content isn’t coming from major Hollywood producers. It’s about on par with Netflix and Disney+, except we consume a lot more of YouTube. I’m pretty sure they are also taking into account that some people will continue adblocking. They need a lot more moderation than Netflix of Disney+ and they have a lot more load on their servers and consumption per user.

    As an aside, people can downvote all they want, but if they are really going to push for this, they might better spend their time searching for alternatives that won’t domino alongside YouTube if this is countermovement is really going to be a thing.


    YouTube dies with a domino effect on the industry of small time streamers

    If YouTube died, people wouldn’t stop streaming, it would just boost competitors and/or open the possibility for new platforms to come into existence.


    Oh, and regarding the “Update”, most of those are still relying on YT hosting, and the independent exceptions aren’t dealing with even a fraction of the bandwidth or moderation costs, never mind actually paying content creators for their content. Yes, this is a piracy community, I just tend to mind it more when the content creators being affected aren’t Hollywood.

    moosetwin, avatar

    Has anyone experienced the popup with any of these extensions?: (on firefox)

    • Sponsorblock
    • ClearURLs
    • Return Youtube Dislike
    • Consent-O-Matic
    • DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials
    • Hide Shorts For Youtube
    • FastForward
    • (unmodified) uBlock Origin
    • (unmodified) Violent Monkey

    I am still getting the issue, and I think it’s probably ClearURLs that’s causing it, but I wanted to check in with everyone else first.

    KidsTryThisAtHome, avatar

    No pop-up (I have premium) but I noticed return YouTube dislike no longer seems to be working, whereas sponsor block is still working fine

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