Well, for all of the above, I’d personally recommend using https://linuxmint.com/ to get started. I’ve always found that it’s too much work to debloat Windows, and it’s considerably less secure than Linux (normally).
Most Steam games run on Linux, but there are a few that do not. Music production could also be a bugbear, as a lot of popular software does not run. You could always try using WineHQ to run the Windows versions, however, or try a compatible alternative.
If you simply must run Windows, you have two options. Dual-booting is a good idea, as this lets you select whether you want to boot Windows or Linux when you turn on the computer. Another option is using a virtual machine; this would allow you to run Windows inside Linux. For this, I’d recommend VirtualBox to start with.
How are both Firefox and Chrome “High” for spying, when Firefox basically only sends diagnostic telemetry by default.
Half of this site is bitching about browsers checking for updates to the browser, addons, and block lists. How is it supposed to function if it doesn’t do that?
First, we have it connecting to Mozilla’s location services, who then obviously learn your location.
Why ‘obviously’? How is connecting to that URL any different from another URL? A webserver gets your IP and rough location either way.
I have no experience with Roundsync but I’ve been using FolderSync and it’s just freaking amazing. All the knobs and dials you can turn is really amazing. Rsync is nice but we all know we need more than that. It’s not FOSS but it’s too good not to use. You should definitely check it out!
If you can, always go for Linux. If you can’t, choose debloated Windows. Preferably one with telemetry disabled. Recommendations in other comments are quite valid.
Wow, what an angry person. Absolutely dripping with seething rage.
His definition of spying is very pragmatic and cares not at all about “why” the spying is done, only that it is done and how much. I still think what Mozilla does is far more benign than Google because Mozilla doesn’t use your data for direct profit. But I don’t necessarily disagree with his definition either, it’s a good one for making objective comparisons.
It’s also worth noting that his tolerance of chromium is rooted in him wanting the current modern web to die in hell fire anyway so he cares little about Googles monopoly of it.
I am though surprised that there aren’t any big Mozilla based projects around. I really would have assumed the Linux and Self hosting communities would be interested in a browser with cross device history etc but where the data is selfhosted and built from the ground up with FOSS principles at heart. Especially now that Mozilla has slowed down their technical development.
Throw Linux on it or reinstall windows if you don’t want to learn Linux. I assume it’s a new PC, but you never know what may be on there regardless. A new install with a complete overwrite is the way to go imo.
For Linux, it personally use arch (btw) and love it but it’s not super beginner friendly. I’ve heard good things about Linux mint for beginners so that may be a good place to start
Mint is great and feels very similar to Windows, and Pop OS is also very great and feels a bit more analogous to Mac OS if you prefer that.
Pop is in the middle of building their own desktop environment (moving away from Gnome) so the latest version is 22.04, but they’re still keeping kernel updates and packages up to date until the new DE is ready to launch.
When I first wanted to switch to Linux I tried out both on a USB stick and I was impressed with both, but I preferred the style of Pop. Both are based on Ubuntu so if you need to Google for tech support 99% of what you find will apply to you.
That guy again... I just repost what i commented last time:
after looking around on that site, i deeply mistrust the original author about probably everything. using the search term "christchurch shooting was faked"
and arguing that the search results attack conspiracy theories, which means that there is censoring going on - that does not fit my definition of sanity.
e: ah, and the moon landing was fake and covid shots are evil. dudes, this guy is nuts, dont even take the time of the day from him.
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