what the hell is happening in ultramarine linux
For rust maybe
For rust maybe
mrkite, One of the people reverse engineering the M1 GPU for Asahi Linux is a catgirl vtuber: www.youtube.com/asahilina
backhdlp, The person in this screenshot ended a podcast they were on with the word Nya.
QuazarOmega, (edited ) What’s Fyra tho?
Edit: I guess it’s this: fyralabs.com
Very disappointed in the lack of cats ;(
Justas, It just means 4 in Swedish, like en/ett, två, tre, fyra, fem …
state_electrician, Femboi?
NovaPrime, Pretty sure it’s the patron goddess of the fyre festival
rtxn, Right now I’m listening to Adeptus Ridiculous (W40k lore podcast) and the image of giant cat-eared Ultramarines won’t leave my fucking mind
Malix, Yes, Inquisitor, that user right there.
Fizz, Imagine the smell of that office
hikikoma, (edited ) MUTHKY
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