what the hell is happening in ultramarine linux
For rust maybe
For rust maybe
rtxn, Right now I’m listening to Adeptus Ridiculous (W40k lore podcast) and the image of giant cat-eared Ultramarines won’t leave my fucking mind
Malix, Yes, Inquisitor, that user right there.
mrkite, One of the people reverse engineering the M1 GPU for Asahi Linux is a catgirl vtuber: www.youtube.com/asahilina
QuazarOmega, (edited ) What’s Fyra tho?
Edit: I guess it’s this: fyralabs.com
Very disappointed in the lack of cats ;(
Justas, It just means 4 in Swedish, like en/ett, två, tre, fyra, fem …
state_electrician, Femboi?
NovaPrime, Pretty sure it’s the patron goddess of the fyre festival
Fizz, Imagine the smell of that office
hikikoma, (edited ) MUTHKY
backhdlp, The person in this screenshot ended a podcast they were on with the word Nya.
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