I was initially wondering what a random jungle (I don’t know the specific subgenre) track had to do with Star Trek, until I realised the main sample (and song title) was Spock from Amok Time, before his “wedding fight”.
It’s just an A.I. learning how to name Star Trek episodes.
Coming soon: A sequel called “Star Trek: Synths” about a ship of androids with one human–with a cast that is all Deepfakes except one human–written and produced by software and one human.
Yeah but with your access code that’s voice authenticated. Foolproof, unless there were androids like Data, or any robots that could copy voice signatures… That would be a problem!
I was just telling my brother about that episode! Don’t remember it passing the 1hr mark but it’s been a month or so since I’ve seen it, memory’s not the same since covid…
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