My first attempt at an OC gif (
I know the pacing isn’t great, but I hope you enjoy it
You can't choose your descendents... (
"Please, don't say flush." (stomach grumble) (
Proudly served at all Quark's Bar locations (price and participation may vary) (
Take the Janeway Airlock Challenge! Tuvix, you're first!
Old Tribble Peppered is my go to. (
Thanks to saltnotsugar for the idea.
For all the Texan Trekkies out there (
Bro. (
1960s special effects (
Testing Data (
Direct link:
Idk, Tuvix or something (
He hardly bites, he likes to squeal, he runs around the dabo wheel (
Prove you're not an android (
(⌐■■■) (
It's surprisingly easy to mix up a couple of coordinates (
It is as if we are being watched. (
Smoothest man in space (
no idea what the deal with tuvix is. made this instead of asking (
What does Screen Rant have against Scotty? (
A Conference of Karens (
Making Lieutenant? That's child's play. (
I can't believe I'm saying this, but...Engage (