Pay and benefits are awesome. After my wife got the list of rules? "Babe. Do NOT take that job."
Late by 30 seconds, fired 3rd time, no exceptions. (This is in the middle of nowhere on the interstate. She would have to show up 40 minutes early to ensure no traffic issues.)
Can’t enter the store before your shift.
Can’t leave the store during your shift.
You must take a particular path to go to the breakroom.
You cannot go outside.
If anyone spots a tat on your flesh? Fired instantly.
There’s more I’m forgetting. This place thinks because of the good pay and benefits that they own you soul.
FYI not every bucees is the size of a department store, although most of the ones they’ve been building along interstates over the past 10-15 years definitely are.
There are plenty, especially near Lake Jackson where they are headquartered, that are the size of a regular gas station.
They sell everything in the middle of nowhere. They make fresh fudge and candies. They sell gas. The bathrooms are always clean. Their logo is an anthropomorphized beaver in a hat. It’s glorious.
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