Suave starship captains are in your orbit! Click now. (
Give thanks to the healers. (
TOS and SNW Chapel count as separate characters.
Kirk always knows how to find his perfect lighting. (
They're always looking for a way to fuck up your day. (
It’s like it’s part of their job description.
TOS: Nighthawks (
For Flying Squid. Plus bonus TNG: Nighthawks...
But who is Star Trek Voyager? (
I am also thankful for how humble I am (
Me when my mother hits me for sneaking an early piece of pie (
But were they wessels? (
Starry Trek (
Kirk hits rock bottom. (
Captain... Please throw yourself out of an airlock (
I'm sorry, but it is true (
Stouffer’s comes in second.
Soo, are the Maquis good or bad guys? (
It’s kind of ambiguous really. On one hand:...
Fight Trek: Recall (
A continuation of FauxPseudo’s idea.
"The tricorder says this cave is old, crusty and barren. Is that right?" (
Temporal violation a go-go. (
See that face on the screen in the upper picture? Apparently after the time travel events from Voyage Home were done she stole that Klingon rust bucket time machine from the bottom of San Francisco Bay and went back in time. Scanning the Historical Documents I have uncovered that she didn’t just time travel more than once but...
Philosophical franchises (
How many… (
World Wrestling Enterprise (
Listening to your uncle at Turkey Day dinner explain his new crazy conspiracy theory that he found on some random website: (
Now with **extreme** deep-conversation action! (
Enterprise Bingo: 24th Century Edition (
aka the “Yes, bloody D” Edition...