It honestly always seemed silly to me. Unless I told the helmsman to wait for some reason, they should just go as soon as they’re ready. Why wait an extra moment just for me to say “go”?
That said, if it was some kind of required protocall, I’d pick a different silly term each time. Like “Banana Bread”, “Pencil”, or “Fuck off”.
I’m Indigenous Canadian and I speak my language Ojibway-Cree (a dialect in between Ojibway and Cree … it’s neither one or the other, can kind of understand one and the other but not really)
So my go to warp slogan would be … Eh-koo Mash-cha!! … basically a phrase that translates to just ‘Ok then … Let’s go!’
BTW: … that has got to be shittiest looking stereotypical Native person I’ve ever memed … lol
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