FlyingSquid, I’d like you to tell me how else you expect him to feed Lal.
thecrotch, There’s a mastadon account called “rikers search history” that addresses this question
CeruleanRuin, I’ll do you one better: Where does Data have nipples?
Cylusthevirus, I know it's a meme but there's an actual answer: because humans have them, and Dr. Soong wanted Data to feel human. That was the whole point of the project from what I understand.
ininewcrow, Imagine if Dr. Soong wanted to have a bit of fun and place a third nipple on Data’s body just to mess people who would see him naked.
lorez, And Dr Han Fastolfe…ehm Soong
FiskFisk33, I mean, I dunno, why does he have anything?
Why does he have a nose?
nxdefiant, canonical answer? Vanity is practically a genetic trait of the Soongs.
ivanafterall, Does Data have nipples?
taanegl, There’s no photo evidence of it I can find, and I’ve been given a good reason to search for “start trek data nipples”. You all saw it. This was justified.
But seeing as some people are super insistent, I’ll have to conclude that it’s A CONSPIRACY!!!
Birds aren’t real, the earth is hollow and Data has no nipples!
ivanafterall, The burden of proof is on those claiming Data has nipples. Them's the rules.
shiveyarbles, Nipples are erogenous zones , Jim
SnotFlickerman, The ships computer, Eddie, becomes unable to accept new processing requests because it is running at full capacity after being told to make “Tea, with Data’s breast milk” by William Riker.
shiveyarbles, Eddies in the space -time continuum…
Well what’s he doing there then?
PolPotPie, so tasha yar has something to pinch during the naked time
ininewcrow, Computer … give me a list of memes from 21st century earth
… Personal screen explodes …
IzzyData, Computer. Please list all of Commander Riker’s search queries.
VicksVaporBBQrub, Granted…
Izzy, Hilarious. Thank you.
bingbong, which galaxy is the samsung galaxy
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