cashsky, Orangerine?
Limitless_screaming, sin(x)/cos(x) = tan(x)
cashsky, I guess I needed to put /s on my shit post.
Aurenkin, This is a bit of a tangent
happybadger, I wonder what a tan^-1^gerine would look like.
SubArcticTundra, The peel would be on the inside and the flesh outside. Much easier to eat.
caesar_salad83, what’s a tanorange?
Bobo, Just 👏
troglodytis, Sure glad that didn’t say bariumsodiumsodium
threeduck, Am I missing something or is this really the bare minimum of a joke? Is the only “comedy” here that tan is also in the word tangerine? You could rearrange this and have cos lettuce instead, right?
Acters, Trig-gering?
uphillbothways, They were once marketed as being from Tangier, a city in Morocco where a few are grown. They've more recently been called Mandarins, because they're in fact native to China.
Sibbo, Tangerine
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