agamemnonymous, Bird names are usually either 1. a straightforward description 2. absolute nonsense
Cthulhu1, Or something naughty
proctonaut, The Tufted Shitdick is more suited to a temperate climate but are occasionally spotted as far south as the equator.
Cold_Brew_Enema, The Spotted Stumpchode tends to migrate a week or two later than similar birds.
RizzRustbolt, (edited ) The Crested Twatswatter is one of the few bird species that migrates to Florida come wintertime.
Maultasche, Great Tits
And009, Ummh, Platypus
capt_wolf, (edited ) Aw, come on…
Only in ornithology can you say,
“Look at that pair of great tits!”
“That’s a huge pecker!”
“That’s a nice looking cock!”
And “Look at all the boobies!”
And literally nobody can get mad…
FuglyDuck, I dunno, boobies seem to not like being looked at,
anzich, The monkey scientists make no sense though
qarbone, “You CANNOT name this species the ‘greater blue-balled ding-dong monkey’. Not least because we will not let you name something else the ‘lesser blue-balled ding-dong monkey’!”
FuglyDuck, (edited ) I wonder how many people went to go see if there was a so-named monkey.
All I’m gonna say, is that’s what private tabs, and a coworker’s unlocked computer is for…(sadly this will have to wait until Monday.)
anzich, I have seen one IRL in Kenya and afterwards googled it
Obi, What a beautiful blue. Can you imagine if we all had different coloured ballsacks?
bjoern_tantau, Don’t tell my wife!
I_am_10_squirrels, Taste the rainbow 🌈
Random_German_Name, Bro got blueballed badly
hltdev, they got it wrong, should have been called: the blue balled vervet monkey.
Kuragi2, Blue balled black faced tree swingin people eater
A red bellied woodpecker.
MonkderZweite, Why?
SirDankbud, The fun part of the bird name is sometimes hidden in latin. My favourite example is scientific name for the American Robin, Turdus Migratorius.
Zoop, Oh boy! I know someone named Robin who is going to love to hear that! I’m silly-excited to tell them now. Thank you! I love it!
_number8_, there are also some birds called bushtits which puts them pretty well in my good graces
ook_the_librarian, It’s like they studied at the Kitchen Appliance Naming Institute.
hoshiyari, I live on the east coast. Saw a black bird with red wings. Guess what it’s called.
AngryCommieKender, A Detroit hockey team?
ArcaneSlime, (edited ) Red wings black bird? I think I had a few of that card as a kid.
ThePyroPython, Looks like we’ve got Mr Obvious the Ornithologist.
When I say Ornith, you say ologist.
jaybone, Do they study OJ Simpson?
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