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danny801, (edited ) in Private and/or cheap places to register a domain avatar

I use


This is the correct answer if privacy is your priority. They’re not particularly cheap, however.


What makes a registrar more privacy focused than another. Just had a read of their website, but couldn’t understand why they’re better for privacy than any other


They own the domain instead of you. They can then act as a middle man between any inquiries and you, and as a company, they’re able to shield you from many 3rd parties.


That’s interesting. So they buy the domain on your behalf and then rent it out to you. Pretty cool concept

That said, I’ve owned a fair few domains and never had to deal with 3rd parties, so I’m not sure if the added security risk (however small) of them hijacking your domain is worth it. For me, at least. YMMV


Theoretically, any registrar can hijack your domain.

Yoddel_Hickory, in How well does the raspberry pi handle being a moonlight client

I use Moonlight Qt on a raspberry pi 5, and used it on a raspberry pi 4 before that. Both connected via ethernet, streaming at 150 mbps. It works very well, feels like being at the computer. It feels like there is next to no delay, and moonlight reports around 5 ms.

Somewhere else I use a raspberry pi 3 A+ with Moonlight Embedded, connected via Wi-Fi, and it works pretty well, but I can notice the delay a bit more. Still able to stream at 40 mbps.


Good to hear. I’ll give it a shot, thanks!


To add more details, I use Sunshine as the server, and stream 1080p, in HEVC for the pi 4 and 5, and h264 for the 3 A+.

beeng, (edited )

I have a 3b+ I want to try this with, it has double the ram and also Ethernet connection vs the 3a+. Do you see yours hit ram limit or you think the delay could be wifi related?

Keen for any tips, thanks!

b1g_bake, in Alternative to Home Assistant for ESPHome Devices avatar

How has home assistant become a resource monster? What kind of integrations are you using aside from ESPHome?


Yeah, home assistant is tiny… I’m not sure what he expects? Does he need it to run on a pi zero or something? Lol

TCB13, (edited ) avatar

Tiny you say… answer to what you asked:

mangaskahn, (edited )

He’s trying to run it on an esp32, didn’t you read the title? /s

TCB13, avatar

I’m not using any other integration. Isn’t this a resource monster?

I just don’t want to keep running an entire VM with their image. Something more simple that could be used on a LXC / systemd-nspawn container or directly on a base system would be nicer.

b1g_bake, avatar

Do you have the entire hass-os image running in a VM?

TCB13, avatar


ikidd, avatar

It’s half a GB of ram and virtually no CPU usage. You could run it on a Pi 3 with a 16Gb SD card and have resources to spare.

This is just weird.

TCB13, avatar

What is weird is having to waste almost 700MB of ram + 10GB of storage for a simple webui that charts sensor data and only keeps it for 10 days. As a comparison my NAS container runs Samba4, FileBrowser, Syncthing, Transmission, and a few others under 300MB of RAM with pontual spikes on operations.


You have found the smallest, tiniest, itty bittiest potatoe to get upset about here. You could run this on a toaster.

TCB13, avatar

I’m not upset, just wondering / looking for way to keep the potato from growing further and/or alternatives.

ikidd, avatar

There’s a lot of difference between a container and a VM. You can install HA on a container, all you have to do is set it up according to the manual install instructions, and work around any hardware interfacing issues that come up. You’ll save 200MB of RAM and will have to do any upgrades manually. Doesn’t seem worth it to me, but to each their own.

TCB13, avatar

What I’m going to do is setup HA Core on a container manually and run without addons / docker. That will be about installing python and should waste way less resources.


setup on a container run without docker


TCB13, (edited ) avatar

If you don’t need the addons you don’t need Docker. HA Core is a python script with a few dependencies that can run with pyenv and a simple systemd service unit at every boot.


yeah but that’s not setting up a container that’s just setting up python env

TCB13, avatar

Yes, but I would rather do it inside a LXC container.


ah got it, thanks


If this is what you consider a resource monster you’re gonna have a really, really rough time

TCB13, avatar

This isn’t reasonable at all, 700MB of ram + 10GB of storage for a simple webui that charts sensor data and only keeps it for 10 days.


You need to edit your configuration.yaml file to exclude certain sensors or values. I excluded some of the more chatty sensors that I didn’t need and my disk use went from around 40gb to 150mb

TCB13, avatar

Interesting. I’ll have to check what might be logging so much info.


In what world is this is a resource monster??

avidamoeba, (edited ) in Sanity check - is rsyncing to a remote computer that has zfs snapshotting an okay way to back things up? avatar

Using plain rsync sounds sane.

Sending local ZFS snapshots to the remote ZFS might be problematic. Consider accidentally deleting important data locally and nuking all of your local snapshots, then sending that to the remote ZFS. You lost all of your snapshots and there’s no way to recover the deleted data. Instead do what I do - keep the two ZFS systems separate and use a non-ZFS mechanism to transfer data - rsync, Syncthing, etc. That way even if you delete everything locally, nuke all local snapshots and send the deletions via rsync remotely, you could still recover your data by restoring the remote ZFS to a snapshot prior to the deletions. For reference I have two ZFS machines doing frequent snapshots and Syncthing replicating data between them on immediate basis.

!selfhosted, please do critique if you find some fundamental issues with this.


This is fantastically helpful, thank you. I will do this.

I don’t know why I thought sending zfs snapshots was the better option

avidamoeba, (edited ) avatar

Cause it makes sense at a glance and it’s efficient. Not for backup purposes though.


Zfs send / receive might be what you want

avidamoeba, avatar

Wouldn’t send/receive also sync snapshots across ZFS instances?


Docs say this , so yeah. "send streams can either be “full”, containing all data in a given snapshot, or “incremental”, containing only the differences between two snapshots. ZFS receive reads these send streams and uses them to re-create identical snapshots on a receiving system. "


You don’t sync the deletion of snapshots, you use expiry on the remote

jgkawell, in Looking for a self hosted Dementia Clock avatar

I don’t know of anything built for that purpose but you could use home assistant dashboards to pull it off pretty easily if you already have an instance set up.

uninvitedguest, avatar

That’s an interesting thought. Thank you, I’ll toy around with that.

atzanteol, (edited ) in External email server vs port forwarding/vpn

I think mail forwarders are still a good way to go. It’s hard to predict how Internet providers will react to email running in their networks.

These days I have an ec2 at AWS for my mail server and use SES for outbound mail. I’m thinking of moving “receiving” back into my network with a simple chat forwarding service but keep SES for outbound. They handle all the SPF and DKIM things and ensure their networks aren’t on blacklists.

bartolomeo, avatar

react to email running in their networks.

Is email dangerous? (I have no idea how email works so please don’t bombard me with acronyms)


It’s spam they’re concerned about. Spam email is kinda “big business” and one way they thrive is by using bots to just scan for poorly-configured or vulnerable systems to hack and install an app that will let them send email from your system. By compromising hundreds or thousands of individual machines it makes it hard for mail providers to block them individually. It also uses a ton of bandwidth on internet service providers networks.

So some time ago service providers started to simply block port 25 (used to send email) on their networks except to certain services. I think they’ve backed off a bit now but inbound port 25 can often be blocked still. It may even be against their TOS in some cases.

bartolomeo, avatar

Oh wow, thanks for the explanation.

RotaryKeyboard, (edited ) in Private and/or cheap places to register a domain avatar

Porkbun is sort of the darling of the self hosting community. I settled on them after doing a huge comparison of prices and features of all the different registrars available to me. Porkbun was by far the best.


Out of curiosity, why did you use HTTP instead of HTTPS?

RotaryKeyboard, avatar

Totally unintentional. I’ll edit it.

MigratingtoLemmy, in Alternative to Home Assistant for ESPHome Devices

Why aren’t you using Node-red and ntfy/MQTT brokers? HA is feature-bloat for me

TCB13, avatar

I wasn’t aware that node-red existed until this post :P


Have fun!

kanzalibrary, (edited ) in Encrypted fileshares in the local network?

Maybe you can experiment Croc if you want simplest way.


I would like this for my media server, basically like a drop-in replacement for NFS shares. I still need it to be some sort of share instead of having to prompt it to send media across. Great project though, thanks

MigratingtoLemmy, in The "safest" way of self hosting

Are you taking about security for your homelab? It essentially comes down to good key hygiene, network security and keeping everything updated.

Don’t open ports, use a good firewall at the border of the network, use a seedbox for torrenting. Use ACLs alongside VLANs in your network. Understand DNS in terms of how your requests are forwarded and how they are processed.

peter, avatar

What does using a good firewall mean exactly? As I understand it a port is either open or closed right? So what does a good firewall do that a bad one doesn’t?


Projects like OpenWRT and OPNsense take care to maintain their code and address security issues in firewall/router software that can be exploited. Perhaps firewall might not have been the best way to put it, but companies like TP-Link aren’t really the most scrupulous with their software

AbidanYre, in Redundancy? storage options for a rpi4? filesystems? raid?

With two drives you can extend them into one big drive or you can mirror them, but you can’t do both.

SnailMagnitude, avatar


will just keep on keepin’ on then

knobbysideup, in Sanity check - is rsyncing to a remote computer that has zfs snapshotting an okay way to back things up? avatar

That is’s entire business model.

I still rclone my Borg repos there instead of relying on snapshots though.


I also use but as direct host for my borg repos, why rclone after?

knobbysideup, avatar

It works the same either way. Borg does a lot of different backups on my home network. I also have more than just Borg backups that I want off-site, so an rclone of everything from that nas share once after everything else is done makes more sense than duplicating Borg everywhere. The rclone’d stuff can be used directly just like if it was put there by Borg itself.

originalucifer, (edited ) in External email server vs port forwarding/vpn avatar

email is one of the only services i just gave up on (after rolling my own exchange for over a decade). its too annoyingly complex, tedious to do correctly for just yourself. its not worth it.


I do it not really for myself, slow and steady i’m converting everyone I know to using my services

Sounds impossible, but some people already are using almost the whole suite and are happy. More and more people are asking if they can join.

The global sentiment is moving towards “tired of google”, “tired of paying for bad services”


Self hosting email on non-mission critical domain for learning purposes might be okay if your intention is to get into the industry. Self hosting email for others on more production like setting you’re going to find yourself in a world of pain.

All it takes is one missed email (be it not making into their intended recipient’s inbox, or them not receiving an important notice in their inbox) and you’re never going to hear the end of it.

You’d also be liable for content your users send out from your servers — and I don’t mean the spam type, though if you get your IP blacklisted, your provider may want to have a word with you.

I’d strongly advise against going down this path, but if you do, be sure to have ways to legally shield yourself from any sort of potential liabilities.


No problem, the world of pain is my hometown

TheHolm, avatar

I do not understand why everyone calling hosting email difficult? IT is like 5 RFC you need to read and implement. Sofware wise you will need mail agent, something for DKIM ( if it not build in in agent), “local delivery agent” ( probably presenting it as IMAP) + mail reader of your choice. Nothing too complex

IAm_A_Complete_Idiot, (edited )

It’s not complicated until your reputation drops for a multitude of reasons, many not even directly your fault.

Neighboring bad acting IPs, too many automated emails sent out while you were testing, compromised account, or pretty much any number of things means everyone on your domain is hosed. And email is critical.


The complex part isn’t the hosting part. Its the security part, the reputation management part, the uptime part, the troubleshooting delivery part and basically every other aspect other than running postfix+dovecot


Hosting your own email is a bad idea. Hosting OTHER PEOPLE’S email is a REALLY BAD idea. Self-hosting mail on a vanity domain is a good exercise to learn how SMTP, DNS, IMAP and other protocols interact.

If you don’t like Google, Apple, or Microsoft then sign them up with Proton or another hosted provider. You don’t want to be the reason someone lost income because they missed out on a critical email from a client or their job application was blocked because it was sent from a host with poor reputation.

CalicoJack, in I want to get started with *arr apps - here are all the things I don't understand about (reverse-/)proxies and networking in order to get it set up.

If you’re only trying to use Jellyfin at home, you don’t need any reverse proxy or domain. All you need is for both devices to be on the same network, and for the Raspberry Pi to have a fixed internal IP address (through your router settings).

On the Shield, you just give the Jellyfin app that IP address and port number (10.0.0.X:8096) to connect and you’re good to go.


Even if they are in separate rooms, they just have to be on the same network?


Exactly. Doesn’t matter if they’re wired or wifi, or where they are, as long as they’re on the same network you’re fine.


Whether a device is wired or on wifi matters on some routers, because some routers have wifi and wired devices on different subnets by default. It’s unlikely, so I wouldn’t worry, unless you notice accessing it only works wired.



yes, wlan vs eth, right? And then in some providers, tun for the vpn?

jaykay, avatar

wlan and eth are network adapters in your raspberry Pi probably. Not subnets. Subnet is a range of IP addresses the router can use to give out IP addresses to devices. Basically, let’s assume that the router/the local network has only one subnet This number means, the router can give out IP addresses from to If the router had two subnets, let’s say A: B: device on subnet A, would be able to talk to the device on subnet B.

Either way, in my opinion you’re overcomplicating things a lot for yourself. If you only wish to watch from home, on your couch, you don’t need reverse proxies, cloudflare and all that jazz. Docker and raspberry pi is enough. I can walk you through it if you want :)

funkless_eck, (edited )

that’s a helpful explanation of subnets thank you

In the paradigm of

if “3” is subnet and “5” is port - what are the names of “4”, “222”, “111”, and “22”?

And is there ever a or another add on?

jaykay, (edited ) avatar

Oh boy we’re going deep I guess haha.

So an IP address is divided into four section separated by dots. Each of those section can go from 0 to 255, so to Why this number? There is 256 numbers from 0 to 255, and 256 is the biggest number you can make out of 8 bits. (If you’re interested in binary, please look it up, this is already long haha) If every number between the . can be made out of 8 bits that means the whole IP address is 32 bits. It’s 32 bits cos that’s what was convenient when it was decided basically. Makes sense?

Now, the subnets. Each network can be divided into sub networks or subnets. Subnets fall into 5 classes: ABCDE. D and E aren’t used as much so I don’t know much about them.

Class A: Subnet mask is Class B: Subnet mask is Class C: Subnet mask is

A subnet mask determines how many bits are reserved for the network, and how many bits are used for hosts (devices). Basically, each IP address is divided into a network part and a host part. Network part is used for identifying networks and how many you can make, while host part is used for identifying hosts/devices like your phone or PC or whatever and how many can be connected.

In class A, with, the first number is reserved for the network, and the other 3 for the devices for example.

In class A you have a small amount of possible subnets but a big number of devices, and the opposite in class C.

The 24 after the slash is just a different way of saying, called CIDR notation. is /8 and is /16.

So depending on the subnet class, what the numbers mean differs. Well except the port and CIDR subnet mask.

All in all, all you need to know is that your router most likely has one subnet lol


ok. I would still like to learn this stuff, so hopefully someone can come in and answer some of the questions - but it seems like, then, the challenge is just gluetun for now.

romano, in Jellyfin video stutters on some files (all MKV it seems) avatar

This may help: Container compatibility. MKV files will be remuxed when played via WebUI. Try playing an MP4 file and see if it’s the same.


All Mp4 files I tried worked well

I’ll read it as soon as I can, thanks!

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