Usually aluminium or glass. There’s a metallic coating applied to the outside surfaces that stores the data. That layer is very thin though, so most of the material is the substrate.
Personally I rename them to something meaningful and they get merged if there are no other references. PayPal is especially bad for completely meaningless rubbish in the payee field and they tend to be ad-hoc purchases so I don’t fiddle with them much. The category is the most relevant bit for me.
With Google domains transferring to Squarespace I’ll be transferring my one remaining domain with them to something else soon enough.
I already moved all of my other domains over to a local provider I use for work that has treated me well, but this one last google domain address has my self hosted services on it and I was using some features that I didn’t want to have to transfer so I kept it with google. I was using their ddns service too but my IP is now sticky (effectively static but can change in some rare circumstances) and it has only changed once in the last 3 years so I think I’ll just manually manage the A records if needed until I either go fully static or use a third party ddns provider. I also use email aliasing to use me@mydomain with gmail.
On the host of the nginx rev proxy or in nginx config files. Something seems to block the lookup from name to ip, as ip works you know the proxy works. Check dns config and nginx config on that host
I found a solution: use myserverhostname.station instead of just the hostname. I really have no idea why, on the previous installation it worked well with just the hostname… ahh, whatever.
I guess what problems are you having? I’ve used steam link before perfectly fine but it’s going to have some loss over the network. Are both computers connected to a gigabit lan? Balder’s gate 3 is a newer game, and while you aren’t on minimum requirements you are on mid tier hardware using proton to run a windows game, so there are a few reasons you may be having problems. Best way to run it down is isolate things and see how they go. Try running game directly on the computer with monitor ect.
I currently DONT have gamestreaming from my Ubuntu Server to the minisforum. I WANT to have it but i don’t know how to properly set it up. I tried several installs of sunshine but it fails everytime on encoders… and the docker support is very manual at the moment.
The performance issues i have on BG3 are running directly on the minisforum thats why i want to run it on the server instead.
So basically my post is asking for help on setting up sunshine on my ubuntu server
Ah I don’t know much about sunshine and your specific setup. But I know docker can be a pain getting access to devices like graphics cards. Maybe try running natively?
I’ve got my GPU running in docker when i wanted to use hw transcoding on my Plex docker. So this is already cleared.
I’ve researched a bit since posting and found that using sunshine directly is not the easiest route to pick here since their docker installation is still in early development and involves a lot of manual config and setup.
If you’re using Sunshine on an nvidia system, you’ll have to patch your nvidia driver to be able to use nvenc and nvfbc without restriction. Check out this repo for more info:
Iirc sunshine still need nvfbc to grab the rendered frames.
Use NVIDIA Frame Buffer Capture to capture direct to GPU memory. This is usually the fastest method for NVIDIA cards. For GeForce cards it will only work with drivers patched with nvidia-patch or nvlax.
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