norgur, Yep. Got such a service as well. I’ve got this one docker container that’s supposed to connect to a VPN and provide access from the outside to another one. The bitch keeps just crashing to a point where even “restart policy: always” will give up on it. Doesn’t matter too much usually, since I can start the container before I need it, and it will usually run for half a day or so, yet still
bruhduh, Same with my arch install, didn’t touched it for 2 months even though laptop was turned off it decided to die when i launched it and run pacman -syu
FedFer, I’d say that it’s your fault for running a system upgrade after 2 months and not expecting something to break but it’s not that unreasonable either
TeaEarlGrayHot, I disagree–a system (even Arch!) should be able to update after a couple months and not break! I recently booted an EndeavourOS image after 6 months and was able to update it properly, although I needed to completely rebuild the keyring first
ayaya, Arch and EndeavourOS are the same thing. There is no functional difference between using one or the other. They both use pacman and have the same repos.
TeaEarlGrayHot, Very true–the specific EOS repo has given me a bit of trouble in the past, but it takes like 3 commands to remove it and then you’ve got just arch (although some purests may disagree 🤣)
FedFer, I know this is how it’s supposed to be and how it should be but sadly it doesn’t always go this way and arch is notoriously known for this exact problem, the wiki itself tells you to check what’s being upgrades before doing because it might break. Arch is not stable if you don’t expect it to be unstable.
aard, I’m using opensuse tumbleweed a lot - this summer I’ve found an installation not touched for 2 years. Was about to reinstall when I decided to give updating it a try. I needed to manually force in a few packages related to zypper, and make choices for conflicts in a bit over 20 packages - but much to my surprise the rest went smoothly.
Xavier, I regularly “deep freeze” or make read-only systems from Raspberry Pi, Ubuntu, Linux Mint LMDE and others Linux Distros whereas I disable automatic updates everywhere (except for some obvious config/network/hardware/subsystem changes I control separately).
I have had systems running 24/7 (no internet, WiFi) for 2-3 years before I got around to update/upgrade them. Almost never had an issue. I always expected some serious issues but the Linux package management and upgrade system is surprisingly robust. Obviously, I don’t install new software on a old system before updating/upgrading (learned that early on empirically).
Automatic updates are generally beneficial and helps avoid future compatibility/dependency issues on active systems with frequent user interaction.
However, on embedded/single purpose/long distance/dedicated or ephemeral application, (unsupervised) automatic updates may break how the custom/main software may interact with the platform. Causing irreversible issues with the purpose it was built for or negatively impact other parts of closed circuit systems (for example: longitudinal environmental monitoring, fauna and flora observation studies, climate monitoring stations, etc.)
Generally, any kind of update imply some level of supervision and testing, otherwise things could break silently without anyone noticing. Until a critical situation arises and everything break loose and it is too late/too demanding/too costly to try to fix or recover within a impossibly short window of time.
rambos, Bad stories about nextcloud scare me 😂 I hope Im not gonna jinx myself, but my nextcloud runs super stable for almost a year. I get some errors while updating, but service doesnt stop working and its usually simple fix by following the message it shows.
I removed apps that I dont use (most of them) and web ui became super fast on my budget server
Actually all services are so smooth and almost no issues, maybe beginner luck 😉
gerowen, (edited ) I’ve hosted mine for years on my own bare metal Debian/Apache install and 28 is the first update that has been a major pain. I’ve had the occasional need to install a new package to enable a new feature, or needed to add new/missing indices to the database, but the web interface literally tells you how to do those things, so they’re not hard.
28 though broke several of the “featured” apps that I use regularly, like “Retention”. It also introduced some questionable UI changes that they had to fix with the recent .1 update. I’ll get occasional errors when trying to move or delete files in the web interface and everything. 28 really feels like beta software, even though we’re a point release in and I got it from the “stable” update channel.
mhzawadi, I’ve not moved to 28 yet, might wait a bit longer from your post. My 27 is rock solid, I don’t understand why so many have issues with nextcloud.
Maybe the docker installs are pants
unique_hemp, I have run nextcloud:latest on Docker for the last 2 years and have had 0 problems. Maybe upgrading all the time works better than by releases.
gerowen, I’m on my laptop so I thought I would elaborate on my first comment to give you things to watch out for if/when you update. I’ve been hosting mine with the zip file manually installed with my own Apache/PHP/MySQL/MariaDB setup for ages now without issue. It’s been rock solid except for, like I said, the occasional changes required to take advantage of new features such as adding new indices to the database or installing an additional php addon. Here’s the things that I noticed with updating to 28.
- The 3 dot/ellipses menu was missing in the web interface and was replaced with dedicated buttons for “Download”, “Add to Favorites” and “Delete”. Shift clicking was also broken. This meant that when I, for example, take a lot of photos for a holiday, I can’t use the web interface to select a large range of multiple files and then move them all from “InstantUpload” into a more permanent album. I either had to use the mobile app, or do them one at a time. The ellipses menu, along with the options to bulk “move/copy” have been added back since then with the *.1 update, but shift clicking in the web interface to select a range of files is still broken.
- The “Retention” app, which is listed as a “Featured” app doesn’t function any more. I used it to automatically delete backups of my Signal messenger, files in the “InstantUpload” folder that were over a year old, etc. You can enable it, but it doesn’t actually work and just throws errors in the log file, which is now reported in the “Overview” portion of the “Administration” page with a note of “X number of errors since somedate”, and prevents you getting the green checkmark. It’s probably safe to assume that other apps will also have issues because I had half a dozen get automatically disabled with the update.
- Occasionally when I use the web interface to move or copy a file, I’ll get an error message that the operation failed. Sometimes this is true, sometimes it’s not and the operation actually succeeded. If it ends up being true and the move did actually fail, doing it again results in a successful move.
It seems like they’ve made some substantial under-the-hood changes to the user interface that shouldn’t have been shipped to the “stable” channel. It’s not completely broken, it “is” usable, especially after they restored my bulk move/copy button, but I still can’t use the Retention app, at least last time I looked, so I’ve literally got daily cron scripts to check those folders for old files and delete them, then trigger an occ files:scan of the affected directories to keep the Nextcloud database in sync with the changes. This however, bypasses the built-in trash bin so I can’t recover the files in the event of an issue. I actually considered rolling back to 27 for a bit, but decided against it, so if I were you, I would stick with 27 for a while and keep an ear to the ground regarding any issues people are having that are or aren’t getting fixed in 28.
mhzawadi, Thanks for the heads up, will wait for 28.0.2 as that is currently cooking.
On the Retention app thing, I got into tagging to remove old backups. Will have in the morning for how I set it up
biddy, I haven’t had any issues with Nextcloud yet. But any torrent client refuses to work. I’ve tried various qbittorrent containers, transmission, deluge briefly, they all work for a while but eventual refuse to do anything.
Rin, That sounds more like a network problem.
virtueisdead, Invidious. It got so bad that I just gave up and switched to piped which has been… well, not perfect, but definitely far more consistent.
LordKitsuna, I didn’t realize that next Cloud was so bad, might I recommend people having issues try Seafile? Also open source and I’ve been using it for many years without issues. It doesn’t have as many features and it doesn’t look as shiny but it’s rock solid
Have a random meme from my instance
sebsch, Nextcloud ist just fine. Using it since more than 7 years now with zero problems
Geert, I’m having a hard time believing that… There is a difference between being able to fix the update issues every time without problems or having no problems at all. But if so, neat.
specseaweed, For years, I had an unstable unraid server. I was fixing it every couple of days after a lockup. I had decided that unraid sucked. When it was up for a week I celebrated. Every one of my dockers was a suspect. I learned to hate all of them.
Then I shitcanned the next cloud docker.
Been up for months without a hiccup.
Lettuceeatlettuce, When I first deployed Nextcloud, it was just like this. Random crashes, lockups, weird user signin issues, slow and clunky.
But one day it just started working and was super stable. I didn’t do anything, still not sure what fixed it lol.
SomethingBurger, Paperless often randomly stops accepting new documents. I have to wait several hours or restart it.
SexualPolytope, I don’t, because I switch it with something better if something like that happens.
stoicmaverick, This is the most unhelpful, unnecessary thing I have heard anybody say all day, and my mother is still visiting…
Lettuceeatlettuce, I just scream-laughed at this! xD
possiblylinux127, (edited ) My Nextcloud has been flawless. The only issue I’ve had was NFS permissions. I have automatic update setup for docker so it stays up to date.
Care to share what broke?
Heavybell, I dunno what you guys are doing that makes your nextcloud die without touching it. Mine runs happily until I decide to update it, and that usually goes fine, too. I don’t use docker for it, tho.
MaxHardwood, I dunno what you guys are doing that makes your nextcloud die without touching it
Mine runs happily until I decide to update it
tostiman, Just dont update it then
crusa187, It’s the containerization causing this imo. I also host nextcloud on bare metal and it’s quite stable
9488fcea02a9, (edited ) I’ve been reading nextcloud forums/reddit/lemmy/etc. for years now, and i feel like 90% of the problems are from people using docker or whatever easy one-click solution is out there
I’ve been running NC the old fashioned way for years now and i’ve never had problems of NC dying for no reason.
Have i had issues? Of course… Not not like the ones people keep coming here and shitting on NC
The only times i’ve had major issues and it was actually a problem with nextcloud, is buggy major version releases… So i never install a new major release until X.0.1 these days. Havent really had problems since
bdonvr, (edited ) I’ve setup Nextcloud but have done next to nothing with it.
My Lemmy instance gives me the most problems, but it’s also the only publicly available service I run. Mostly the issue is it seems to have a memory leak that forces me to restart it every few days.
Everything else has been completely rock solid for me, running on a mini pc (formerly a pi4 until I wanted to start doing stuff with Jellyfin and needed more power for transcoding) on OpenSUSE Leap all in docker containers. Makes it insanely easy to move stuff. I had no issues basically just copying the docker-compose files and data and bringing them up even when switching architectures.
leraje, (edited ) In my own personal experience, Nextcloud;
- Needs constant attention to prevent falling over
- Administration is a mess
- Takes far too long to get used to its 'little ways’
- Basics like E2EE don’t work
- Sync works when it feels like it
- Updating feels like russian roulette
cyberpunk007, (edited ) Updating from my experience is not Russian roulette. It always requires manual intervention and drives me mad. Half the time I just wget the new zip and copy my config file and restart nginx lol.
Camera upload has been fantastic for Android, but once in a while it shits its brains out thinking there are conflicts when there are none and I have to tell it to keep local AND keep server side to make them go away.
viking, The update without fail tells me it doesn’t work due to non-standard folders being present. So, I delete ‘temp’. After the upgrade is done, it tells me that ‘temp’ is missing and required.
Other than that it’s quite stable though… Unless you dare to have long file names or folder depths.
cyberpunk007, This could be it, but I also remember reading once it might be something to do with php.ini timeout settings too
cm0002, It’s like…having a toddler LMAO my little digital toddler lololol
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