We invested in a roomba-style robot that has actually been fantastic. Less for the “I am lazy and don’t want to hoover my flat” and more for its ability to reach places I can’t easily. Keeps under the sofa/bed/etc pretty tidy. Also change the A/C filter regularly never hurts.
Socialism must be secure before communism can be realized. Which will mean not only ensuring the entire world is developed, everyone has superabundance, all major deadly conflicts are largely resolved and interracial, interethic, and international grievances are healed, and the lingering ideologies spawned from America’s international brainwashing operations have been excised, but then we will have to deal with our first major related challenge as a unified species: climate change.
I mean, nothing will suddenly switch overnight, as the world becomes more socialist or even more internationally interested in peace and cooperation, borders will become more porous. Death of US empire alone will see to this beginning.
Calling borders “bourgeoisie” comes off to me a little weird.
I figure they’re small enough as-is… but more than that, specifically it’s the logic of passing little bits of Germany (or Croatia, as another example on the map) to get as many nations invested in stomping out German revanchism wherever it pops up.
Giving the region to the Netherlands also isn’t without cultural or historical precedent, which makes it better yet still.
Who says they have to be libertarian? It would be better yet to have them as UN mandates, but specifically “international cities” that can get flooded with immigrants from the global south.
The Dachau example is a good one to raise whenever there’s handwringing about Cuban peasants killing Batista thugs or Chinese peasants killing landlords.
i could smell the other rotting mouse (this was at another time) that was hidden under the kitchen furniture, behind the skirting. i could smell that super well. took me two weeks of tearing my hair to find it though.
this one was on the floor under my bed, directly below where i put my head. the bed has an open bottom, so nothing to prevent airflow.
to add to this, do you live near a construction site or a busy street? This can greatly increase the level of dust. if not, get fresh air circulating through windows if possible and avoid lighting candles or smoking inside.
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