Wednesday's Theme: Merchandising! (
As everyone knows, it’s where the real money is!...
Sand ruins everything (
#StarterPack [MW] (
Better be complimentary death sticks if I’m shelling out $1,200 a night for the hotel room.
He smells PROFIT, and quite a bit of it [MW] (
[MW] (*actual customer, not a paid actor) (
Bssmmm (
Yousa Bad Boy (
cross-posted from:
It's called fashion, sweetie, look it up (
Answer the question, Anakin. (
Anon tells you about The Tragedy of Anakin Skywalker (
cross-posted from:
Thrawn's Star Destroyer had quite a dramatic 'Self-Destruct' sequence (
Every Star Wars movie but only when they say "Star" or "War" (
The New Christmas Special (
Happy Little Force (
The Andor Movie Spin-Off I've Been Waiting For (
The Award-Winning BBC Adaptation of Andor (
The Andor Novelisation I've Been Waiting For (
Darth Slater (
[PW] Substitute teachers also get the short end (
Dame Judi Dench dressed like Darth Vader at my condo (
Cait Sith Lord (
StorWares (
Wednesday's Theme: The Student Has Become The Master [PW] (