ikapoz, They’re the same picture
Kolanaki, I still love that Obi Wan gets important information from a greasy spoon diner’s line cook.
Ashyr, Everyone needs a hobby when they retire from the game.
SatyrSack, Wasn’t he the owner?
Kolanaki, He was probably both.
bjoern_tantau, Padmé losing more and more of her clothes in AotC always reminds me of Sigourney Weaver going through the same in Galaxy Quest. I’m convinced GL was subtly referencing that.
neptune, Lucas’ Razor: why attribute to homage what you can attribute to an acute appreciation of the female form
Blamemeta, Ain’t nothing wrong with a little appreciate of the human form, particularly of the woman variety.
neptune, Twi’lek fetishists checking in, any minute now
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