I never have. Just thinking about WiFi and Bluetooth drivers on random laptops still puts me into a full flashback state. (My first experience was back in 2002, I think?)
That might also be a general network drivers vs. kernel version problem as well. I’ve had that on some Ubuntu falvors on various cards, it isn’t specific to just wi-fi, it happened on lan as well (just disconnects for a few ms and then connects again).
And yeah, one of the many reasons why I usually buy second hand hardware as well. One, it’s a lot cheaper, two, drivers for Linux are usually not a problem 😁.
Have to admit though, when it comes to quality equipment, they do take the cake. I’ve never had a Sony product break on me (except my walkman, but that was my fault 😂).
But, to be honest, I’ve never consumed anything but audio and video equipment from them (receiver amplifiers and TVs). Things may be different in other departments, including their PS department.
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