You groom them from children. This is an unpopular opinion, but it’s the best solution I could think of. Shamans have done the same in tribes. Some children show empathetic and leadership skills, stading behind the weak and sharing things equaly among siblings and other children. You pick those and groom them from children to take on the burden to be leaders. Yes, this is not fair, they’ll never grow up to choose what they want to be, but so are so many things in life. Sacrifices have to be made for the greater good… and so many far worse things have happened in human history.
That is not my problem. In this day and age where prices if food have gone through the roof, sorry, but I usually search for the cheapest place there is. I have a fixed income as well.
Haven’t tried BleachBit on Windows. Does it clean driver installation logs, compress browser databases, MRU explorer cache, opd prefetch files, Windows updates, etc.?
Since a lot of women have started to call their female friends “girlfriends”, I have to wonder how women with actual girlfriends have been dealing with this lol
What companies have made your blacklist?
What companies will you never give another dollar to?...
Steve Balmer quotes (
ummm not this time... (
Is CCleaner still people's preferred computer cleaning app?
Has something new come along? It’s been so long since I’ve needed to do this that I assume CCleaner has enshittified by now.
Steam Linux Marketshare Surges To Nearly 2% In November (
Lesbians of lemmy, how do you introduce your SO to other people without getting them confused for just a friend?
Since a lot of women have started to call their female friends “girlfriends”, I have to wonder how women with actual girlfriends have been dealing with this lol
Help creating standalone disconnected from internet preloaded music player
I would like to build a music player / device for an older person, not tech savvy user....
Build him a dungeon? (
Animals. (
Cmake me! (
Facebook Marketplace - because you can't get this at Wal-Mart (
History of the Balkans (
Don’t wait (
Pls (
Viber for Void Linux (
In case anyone needs it…