Have no idea about those standards to be honest, all sorts of Chinese shit appliances get imported here, I don’t think we have a code that regulates that.
I beg to differ, I was an owner of a Renault Megane which had a screwed up onboard computer that somehow managed to mangle 3 timing belts and a cylinder head. I spent more reparing it than the ammount I spent to buy the car… all because of a screwed up onboard computer.
And not one mechanic listened to me, I told them the computer was acting up, throwing errors left and right, then silence for a month, then errors again, they said it’s the sensors 😤… I mean, come on, all of the sensors acting up at the same time, then they go in deep sleep for a month, then the same shit again… excuse me, but you’re either dumb or just wanna squeeze money out of me.
I am not hurting myself, it doesn’t make the slightest difference to me if one party or the other wins. I just don’t want my vote stolen, I’d rather it burned.
In the end, it’s my vote… the same as the hillbilly with down syndrome. If he can choose, so can I.
Trust me, it is. There is some obscure hardware out there. Plus, a lot of us still use hardware that was late XP time released and ndiswrapper was still around. So, for some of these cards, there is still no drivers for Linux (or buggy/unstable ones).
Laugh all you like, it’s reality over here. There is vote snatching every election, dead people voting, abroad voters voting here (locally)… this is not the US 🤷.
They have a very very limited range. I have used them, but only if the AP is in the same room, otherwise, they crap out.
PS: Everything’s built from reinforced concrete and cinderblocks/bricks around here (seismically active region), so we have trouble with all sorts of wireless signals, including WiFi and 3/4G. 5G is out of the question here. We do have the towers, but less than 1% of users actually use them.