Now, seriously. Microsoft’s devs literally only do something if their boss tells them to, and the boss only cares about money. The support teams only know chkdsk and reboot.
Which is due to missing context at the end of a sentence, probably. Therefore it just chooses the most likely, but often not best, word.
Workaround: Disable autocorrect, and check for underlined words afterwards.
It depends on the toppings used and how it was prepared.
Frozen pizza reheated will apparently be much more greasy than what I’m used to, either freshly made or self made, the latter containing basically no oil/fat that could be greasy.
Also, you’re probably used to tons of cheese and pepperoni, while I often prefer just a little bit of pepperoni, and much more ham, bacon, jalapenos and just enough cheese to not see everything fully.
And yes, pizza from many restaurants are much more greasy than self made ones, but not greasy enough to actually get through carton designed to isolate and contain anything inside.
In germany, though it’s a private school so public school times are probably a bit more relaxed.
For lower grades it’s from 8:30 am to 4pm fixed, but higher grades have individual timetables per person, with lessons starting from 7:45 am and some ending at 5 pm. Usually there’s time in between, but at some days not, like wednesday. Often, for 10-12/13th grade, there are also PE courses after school for 1 1/2 h or longer to mitigate a missing hour of PE per week. Also, it’s a school with a focus on sports (Basketball) and music, so many students have courses and activities there after 5 am.
Getting to school is easier for us 18 year olds, with cars and/or motorcycles, but lower grades need to use public transport, so for me it has been a way of over an hour to school, and even longer back if no one was able to pick me up from the train station to the village where I live.
In contrast, a 3 week internship in a bank located in a city over 100 km from where I lived required waking up at 8:50 am for the daily meeting and logging off from the citrix session at 4 pm.
It’s much better than going to school every day from 7:45 am to 7 pm and maybe even paying for it. Also school consists of more than half a dozen different subjects, of which you probably don’t even like half (PE, Art, German (native language), Social studies), and others are annoying to be relevant for your grades and therefore your life, such as Biology and Chemistry. Just Maths, Physics, English and History are somewhat good, because they’re easy and enjoyable (controversial take with Maths in there, ik).