Foo Fighters used to be real down with the whole AIDS denialism, even financially supporting it.
I know David Grohl is an internet sweetheart, but every time I see anything Foo related, I just immediately wonder how many people died pointless and preventable deaths because they believed the denialism Foo Fighters pushed.
and so many people are already searching for solutions to problems and cant find them, because they are locked away on discord.
I fucking hate it.
and its only gonna get worse with the years to come, as more data is centralized in discord and locked forever away from search engines, or worse, lost with the discord gets deleted or if the company goes under.
and no ones saying to not have a discord. Just use it for what its meant to be used as. Social interaction. And stop using it for what it very obviously isnt, which is a information repository.
as annoying as havin all the answers on reddit was, at least they popped up in a search engine so you could find an answer to what your problems were.
Discord is not a place for technical support or documentation, or anything important, ever.
Search engines can not index discord.
archive can not archive discord.
Everything thats in discord, is in its own isolated bubble, that will disappear from history and time should the discord ever shut down, and even if its still up, its not findable by anyone searching for the problem.
Discord fucking sucks for anything but random bullshiting with friends over games.
The best thing that I’ve seen from the anti-trans movement in womens sports, is the number of cis women who end up falling more afoul of the rules due to their genetic predisposition to have a higher than average level of testosterone for women with regards to anti-trans rules that almost always revolve around bodily testosterone levels.
Anti-trans rules will hurt women in womens sports far more than it will hurt trans women (as far as numbers go, to be clear), and no one wants to think or talk about that.
Trans women in sports are not dominating any field. All the outrage you see from it is like that Marathon from a year or 2 ago where a woman got pissed off for losing to a trans woman who finished infront of her, both of them in the high thousands of placement, not like 1st and 2nd place… Both were beaten by thousands of other women, but that woman had a hissy fit because one of the women was trans.
Samsungs phones fell off a cliff after the 9, imho. I would never buy another samsung.
Apple artificially destroying batteries to make you buy more phones, sooner, should have been the nail in the coffin of that company if people actually cared about the products and not the artificial status symbol.
apple idiots buy whatever apple tells them to because they care more about the artificial status symbol of having the latest apple logo’d bullshit than they care about having a good or decent product.
The bare aluminum became discolored, rough and ugly. Food sticks to it more, requiring more scrubbing to clean them. I dont know what that reaction is from a materials science perspective, though, if thats what you’re asking.
i think he means those like commercial/hospital/doctor office toilets that, when they autoflush and you are still on the seat, feel like you are going to have your insides sucked out by the full concentrated force of a galactic core black hole.
I never met anyone that said they wanted a thinner lighter phone.
I’ve met tons of people that would take a half inch thick brick of a phone if it came with an equally big battery that could last days between charges.