All of this could be solved if people actually cared about finding a reasonable solution. We don’t fight about it because it’s worth fighting over. We fight because it’s in our blood. We must fight to satisfy our primal urge for conflict.
So take up your keyboard, mouse, phone, or any other weapon that suits you. Join me in the battle of “gif vs gif”, and may the best warrior find victory.
My interest started in my physics classes. They teach you the basics of Linux since it gets used for simulations and solving other math problems as well. I’m not 100% sure why, but i remember not even finding windows versions of some software that we used. I think it’s connected to supercomputers almost exclusively running Linux, and I had a couple of professors that use them.
I don’t feel like they’re inherently bad, but they’ve become so popular that they all feel like they’re blending together. I think it’s kind of stale at this point.
Aliyaut’s logo? It is clean, but it’s hardly even identifiable as a gecko. It blends in too much with all the modern corporate logos we have today IMHO. It’s not a bad choice if they decide to go with it, but they could do better.
I started with aeropress, but I somehow get more flavorful coffee when I do a pour over. I’m not sure how that happens since I’ve been hearing that it is easier to get good extraction with immersion brewing, but I just keep on doing whatever works best for the most part.
As a Lemmy shareholder, I’m outraged. If Lemmy doesn’t get more users soon, I am going to stop the thrusters that keep the world turning. You have been warned.
I’m really lucky that I didn’t cave in and watch any videos at first. (I think I watched the game’s version of a tutorial, but that was it.) Its fantastic.
Lately I have been playing Crypt of the Necrodancer. It was quite chill until I reached zone 4. It doesn’t get me worked up or anything, but the last level of zone 4 does get me a bit tense with the speed.
In general, Deep Rock Galactic is pretty chill. If I really just want to take it easy I can pick up a mission on Hazard 3 or 4.
There’s really no point in criticizing something like vim. It has a history and a following, and no one is forcing you to use it. (Unless someone is, in which case you should be annoyed with them, not vim.)