You can pay $20 to permanently remove the ads from Kindle. At least that’s what it cost when I bought mine. Definitely worth the money if you hate ads as much as I do.
It has always seemed to me that their society is what you’d get if the United States didn’t have billionaires hoarding 90% of the wealth. Allocate all of those resources fairly, reduce the population, add in some free electricity and replicators, and you have TNG.
The concern you raised cannot be overstated. Accusing someone of bigotry or hate because their opinions of a subject are different has become a common invalidation and attack strategy. Another example is the Little Mermaid movie. By most accounts it's just not a very good movie. But you'll likely be called a racist by certain groups if you state that you don't like it. I haven't seen it. I don't have an opinion on it. But I witnessed the resulting arguments unfold across the internet. It is okay to dislike works created by or starring POC. It is not okay to dislike them because they were created by or star POC. Some people seem to find it impossible to differentiate between the two.