The aim of the Palestinian liberation movement is to establish a democratic national state in which both Arabs and Jews will live as citizens with equal rights and obligations and that will constitute an integral part of the progressive democratic Arab national presence living peacefully with all forces of progress in the world.
That sounds great! That sounds like a solution. Unfortunately it’s not a very realistic one, especially since they’re a religious extremist group, and I don’t imagine their view of democracy to be actual democracy, nor can I imagine them supporting a separation of church and state. If that’s the case, then it just results in the same situation, but with the actors swapped, and the Jewish people living under Muslim oppression. Idk about you man, but I feel that the Jews have suffered at the hands of extremist groups enough for one people. But hey, maybe my assumptions are wrong, and they would legitimately establish a free and fair democracy. That would be an amazing resolution to the problem. But since we know it’s a multi-national problem, with Europe, the USA, and several Middle Eastern countries all wanting a piece of the pie, it seems very implausible. It’s a nice hope though, and I think most actual people would support it.
And second, you do realize saying that separating Jewish people from zionists is like “splitting hairs” is anti-semetic right?
That wasn’t my opinion. What I read in their charter that you shared is that they associate all of Israel with Zionism. So their statement that they don’t want the destruction of the Jews, only the destruction of Zionism and Israel, is semantics. If they state that all of Israel is Zionist, and Israel is the home of the Jewish people, then they are still advocating the destruction of the Jewish people. That’s what I meant by “splitting hairs”.
What do you propose? The Jewish people have just as much right to exist as every other people. They have a long and storied history in that region, and eons long conflict with Palestine. This isn’t their first time occupying that region. So how is Palestine’s claim to the entire region of Israel more legitimate than Israel’s claim? Just because they have been there without Israel more recently? I do agree that Israel should pull out of Palestine, but I don’t agree that that includes the entire territory of their whole nation.
The Iranian Islamic revolution of 1979 overthrowing the US-backed monarchy was also deeply religious, and resulted in a drastically improved quality of life for everyone in the nation.
I strongly disagree. Women lost the majority of their rights because of that revolution, and live heavily oppressed now. People lost a lot of their liberty, and they’re subject to religious law, which is imposed upon them. My best friend’s wife is from Iran. Her parents still live in Iran. She has a very large family, all of whom I am close with, and not a single one of them views the Islamic State of Iran as an improvement to the conditions in the country prior to the revolution. Granted, their opinions aren’t necessarily representative of every person in Iran, but they’re as close as I can personally get to that situation. I trust their judgement and intellect, so I tend to believe the things they tell me.
We’re getting further away from the actual topic of discussion though, which was that Biden is funding and supporting genocide. I think I’ve already made my position on that clear, so I won’t burden you with it again.
I appreciate you taking the time to share your perspective with me, and discuss this in a civilized manner.
Okay, so they want to destroy Israel, and Zionists, which they conflate with the Jewish people. It’s kind of splitting hairs. No? If their only issue was opposition to Israeli occupation, then it would be a lot easier to sympathize with them, but they are a Muslim extremist organization that wants the destruction of Israel.
Since its creation in December 1987, Hamas has invoked militant interpretations of Islam to spearhead a Sunni extremist movement committed to destroying Israel.
That comes from this website , but can be found just about anywhere. Even your own document lists this opposition:
The establishment of “Israel” is entirely illegal and contravenes the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and goes against their will and the will of the Ummah
To be clear, I think the human rights violations perpetrated in Gaza are atrocious. The bombing of civilians and civilian targets is awful. But Hamas isn’t some benevolent organization that is taking a beating through no fault of their own, and they would perpetrate the same or worse against Israel if they had the power to do so.
It’s surprising to me that there’s so much pandering to Hamas on this website, from a group of people who are generally vehemently opposed to religion, and especially religious extremism. Hamas are religious extremists, with a violent perspective towards outsiders, and an abusive relationship with women. Ultimately what I’m saying is that what Israel is doing is wrong. Full-stop. Also, the goals of Hamas are wrong. Full-stop. That said, Biden’s involvement is circumstantial, since he inherited a government with a history of aid to Israel, and has merely not revoked it. I support Bernie’s proposition yesterday, to require the US Secretary of State to report on Israel’s humanitarian violations or withhold their aid. Unfortunately the Senate voted overwhelmingly against that measure, 71-11, if my memory serves correctly.
Funny. I did the same thing yesterday, I wrote out a very long response to the completely wrong person, on a completely different post, because I was having two similar conversations.
I think Gale is pretty cool. He chills out on the Goodie-Two-Shoes act in act 3 when some opportunities present themselves. Idk if he only goes that direction if you push him in that direction, but push I did! He’s smart, and capable, and pliable too.
That’s good to hear! I haven’t played durge yet, I just read a lot of feedback that it’s lacking quests and gear. I’m planning on playing as durge on my next playthrough. Are there special dialogue options if I choose the white dragonborn character instead of making a custom one?
I haven’t actually played durge yet, but I’m planning to this next playthrough. I’m almost finished with my 2nd playthrough, which was supposed to be an evil playthrough, but at each choice, knowing how much I would be missing out on led me to helping and saving people, instead of telling them to fuck off and then hitting them in the face with my sword. Except for Balthazar. I wasted no time talking to that ugly bitch. I just attacked him.
I’m pretty sure it’s the strongest build in the game. Monk/rogue probably has better damage output and definitely has greater movement, but none of the utility. There’s nothing that any companion can do, that my bard can’t do as well, or better. AOE damage was one area he was lacking, but I picked up a couple of different spells when I reclassed and he has that covered now too. I was thinking about doing a playthrough using this build without any companions as durge.
Edit: one thing he is missing is spell sculpting for avoiding friendly fire with AOE spells. The wizard is still best in that area.