Truth is a little different. They didn’t chop off your hands for failing to meat a quota. You can’t work without hands, see, so that wouldn’t really help. Naw, they just fucking killed ya. The hands were supposed to be what the soldiers brought back to count how many they killed, to prove they hadn’t wasted ammo. Seriously. The photos of people with just hands cut off were from soldiers cheating the system and just cutting off hands of random people so they could shoot more later. It was fucking barbaric.
Probability (
Yes (
Nicolas Cage Ready To Quit Doing Movies: “Maybe Three Or Four More” (
"Out of Step" by MrLovenstein (
Useful tip for declutering your mind. (
18+ Father stares at the hand and foot of his five-year-old, severed as a punishment for failing to make the daily rubber quota. Belgian Congo, 1904. (
Seriously... WHY?! (